Chapter Twenty:

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A loud pounding on the door to the Kennedy's private cabin caused Jackie to groan as she slowly pushed herself off Jack's chest, blinking open her groggy eyes before glaring at the door which held behind it a very persistent and very annoying knocker.

Letting out an irritated sigh, she pulled aside the pale blue covers and walked over to the door, running a hand through her messy hair as she walked. Unlocking and opening the door halfway, she poked her head out and asked, still half asleep, "Yes?"

"Good morning, Princess," Bobby smirked as he moved to push open the door.

"Good-bye, Bobby," Jackie glared with a small smirk as she began to close the door. "And that's Queen to you."

"Ha, ha," Bobby mocked before holding the door open. "You two need to get up; we landed half an hour ago, but since your door was locked, everyone assumed you two wanted to be alone and left you be. But enough is enough."

Jackie rolled her eyes and she tried to push the door shut, but Bobby pushed back harder before leaning toward her taunting, "I'd like to know why you two had the door locked to begin with."

"Oh for Christ's sake, Bobby!" Jackie gave in, exasperated, and with a small smile she quickly moved away from the door, causing Bobby to tumble into the room, managing to grab the door knob and catch himself before he hit the floor. "We were just sleeping."

"Touche," Bobby teased as he stood up and ran his hands down his suit to straighten it. Upon spotting Jack still sound asleep with his arm over his eyes, Bobby walked over to the bed and shouted, "HEY, JACK! WAKE UP!"

"JESUS!" Jack shouted in surprise, jolting awake, but once his eyes landed on his brother he scowled at him before throwing the blanket over his head and laying back down.

"Come on, Mr. President; your flight has landed," Bobby smirked as he pulled the blankets off his brother and tossed them to the floor.

"Jackie," Jack began as he sat up against the pillows and glowered at Bobby, "Explain to me why you let this nut in here."

Jackie just shrugged with a raised eyebrow before disappearing into the bathroom to fix her hair and touch up her makeup.

"Don't you love how specific she is?" Jack asked his brother with a smirk before rolling out of bed and heading over to where he had his jacket slung over a chair.

"Do you two have a change of clothes since you slept in those?" Bobby asked as he leaned down and picked up the blanket he threw and tossed it back on the bed.

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