Chapter Sixteen:

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January 7th, 1964


Jack was in the oval, going over his schedule for the coming campaign, when Mrs. Lincoln knocked on the door and peaked in saying, "The Attorney General would like to speak with you, Sir."

"Very well," Jack replied, not looking up. "Send him in."

After a moment, Bobby walked in rather nervously and shut the door.

It was silent for a minute until Jack looked up at his brother and saw he was white as a sheet. "Bobby?" Jack asked puzzled, setting down his packet of paper.

"You can't drop Lyndon from the ticket, Jack," Bobby said quickly after swallowing hard.

Jack narrowed his eyes in confusion as he sat up in his seat and asked, "What's this sudden change of heart, Bobby? I thought you agreed it would be best to drop him. He's getting too nuts with Vietnam amongst other things. I don't want that."

"Yes, I know, but...," Bobby returned as he ran a hand through his hair before sitting down in a chair and leaning over the desk to whisper, "Hoover has compromised us."

"What do you mean?" Jack asked, his eyes dark.

"His good, old pal Lyndon got word we're dropping him and went and complained to good buddy Hoover, who just so happens to have evidence, that for certain, will cost you the coming election," Bobby growled in a hushed tone, his words dripping with venom.

"That son of a bitch," Jack growled as he stood up from his chair and went to look out the window, the air around him thick with tension.

"I knew this would happen!" Bobby hissed as he watched his brother. "I knew he would use that in some way to get what he wanted. He and Lyndon are planning something, Jack. Why else would they be such buddy buddies and make sure Lyndon stays in the White House with you?"

"They probably have him wrapped around their finger. They know that I'm skeptical with them so they need someone they can manipulate," Jack returned, turning around.

"Maybe, Jack," Bobby sighed as he looked down at the floor.

"I'll leave him on the ticket," Jack said grudgingly as he moved to sit back down. "Usually I wouldn't care if Hoover released his "evidence" because I could very easily say they're just rumors, or out of context, but I fear for Jackie. You know what she said."

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