[You were unable to learn, Current skill for [Rock Climbing] is too low]

So, She summarized with a glint in her eyes, some skills require another skill and have to be at a certain level to learn, she looked at the book in her hand and read the title before chuckling, no wonder I couldn't learn this skill, it was Water Walking.

Gently releasing the book in her hand, she paused back at her crime scene with a look of fear- "N-no one saw that, right?" A quick glance with wide eyes quickly confirmed that no one was around to see the book dissipate into dust.

Her shoulders sagged with relief but reiterated back to her current problem. She was sure that with her chakra control being next to nothing, any other skills she'd find would prove to be too difficult to learn. She clasped her hands together with a soft smack and nodded at her thoughts, heading off too another bookshelf with more profitable skills she may be able to pick up

She read through the titles pausing at a few before placing them back when her taijutsu, or lack of taijutsu, was too low to learn.

Tamako desperately needed to earn a Taijutsu skill— it was one of the main three needed to survive in this blood-ridden world. And with enough luck, picking up any kenjutsu would serve just as useful, if not more. She can literally create her own weapons meaning another leverage.

Katana, kodachi, tanto, senbon, kunai— all of those needed to be learned to a certain degree. Having multiple skills will always give herself an advantage, that's just how the world works. Being both skilled in melee and ranged will cover the majority of weakness, and if she can exploit her ambidextrous status, who knows what will happen.


[For planning ahead on your Shinobi career, you earn yourself +1 Wisdom]

In all honesty, Tamako just wanted to get the main plot rolling and see how much her existence changes or screws up the plot before acting on it.

What can she say, she's a sucker for ruining things.

After pretty much skimming through all the chakra-related Academy scrolls she could find, which were just illustrations of practice, like sticking a pebble to your forehead or walking on sand without leaving a trace, she headed towards the history section. Now there, she found a lot of propaganda.

Living in a military state, she pretty much expected such things and after reading in how much foul-play Iwa enacted during the Second Great Shinobi War, she decided to take every history lesson with a grain of salt. In all honestly, she was more curoius of the inception of Suna.

She knew that Shodaime Kazekage gathered all the Sand-Dweller Families under his rule with his might, creating a safe-haven for all Sand Shinobi. The scroll skimmed past the formations of the walls and moreso highlighted the Nidaime's prowess of Doton to create the massive cliffs that they could thank today.

Then she saw it, a small journal tucked between dozens of scrolls. It had leather binding and a wood clapse, clearly well-worn and used. Inside was neat strokes of kanji and the like, unlike the scrolls that used some sort of pencil to etch, this one had expensive dark ink staining the white pages.

This journal was clearly in the wrong spot, sectioned between the cooking and gardening utility manual. Slowly, almost in fear that one too quick of a turn would alert the library staff, she flipped to the first page and read the katakana. 


Sa so ri

With wide eyes, she tucked the journal into her garbs.

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