45•Shadow Vacuum

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"You're Kira, aren't you?" I asked, louder than before. Just like earlier, she hesitated for a second or two but continued her battle with Freed.

"Answer me!" I screamed, clenching my fists so tight that I felt my fingernails pierce the skin on my palms.

Hex cackled loudly, grabbing almost everyone's attention. We all looked at her expectantly.

"Finally! I thought you'd never say!" The crazy woman grinned in a way that irked me more than it should have.

"You're behind this," I seethed, my nails digging into my palm from how tight I was clenching my fists.

"But of course I am!" Her sharp white teeth were exposed by her obnoxious grin.

"Well then if you're Kira, why would you fight Y/n?" Natsu questioned, oblivious as always.

"It's probably Hex's doing. Azura is the new Kira. The one Hex created for the purpose of killing," Freed stated. 

It was all making sense now. Hex had planned it all. From the very beginning. Before I even knew of their existence.

"Is this why you left?" I mumbled, a sudden throb in my head making it harder for me to speak. My thoughts were all jumbled and I couldn't quite put words together.

"We know who we must destroy now," Laxus directed his glare towards Hex who seemed to be enjoying the show that played before her sadistic self. "She's the core of it all," he concluded. It was too hard to believe that she was Kira's mother. It was no surprise that Kira kept this from me and I didn't blame her at all.

Azura's- No, Kira's movements were not as harsh anymore. Or maybe it was just my eyes fooling me. I would have loved to believe that Azura would turn back to Kira and help us defeat Hex so we could back home. But this wasn't a fairy tale. Oh, the irony.

Hex was as powerful as five of us combined. But we were weak from fighting as well. Hex seemed to have regenerative powers as all the bruises and cuts she received at the beginning of our fight had long disappeared.

There was hesitation in Azura's demonic eyes but her attacks remained the same. I couldn't let my guard down, even if it was with the woman who raised me.

No- no, no she wasn't the same anymore. She wasn't my master, or my mother. She was a victim of Hex's madness.

Azura surprised me when she slashed Freed, throwing him aside. Luckily it missed him. Was that intentional? Did Azura have a conscience- was she...turning back into Kira? I shook my head; No, I couldn't let my emotions get in the middle of a fight where my friends lives were in danger.

"Don't go into Dreamland, yet, Y/n! I'll be taking you there very soon. Enjoy reality while you can!" Hex came at me with a grin stretched on her dark lips.

I managed to block her attack and jab her in the face, unfortunately, one that she dodged. I growled in pure rage, aiming to slice her hand off with my daggers. It only gave her a cut along her arm which she licked maniacally as she cackled. 

Laxus fired an attack at her, which did slow her down a bit but she didn't falter in any way. I pushed her down with a kick to her abdomen, using a technique taught to me by the green haired rune mage himself. He looked over at me in worry when he saw me bleeding from my head, a gash I'd received when I was thrown back by one of Hex's spells. 

"Kira," I croaked, pushing myself up with the help of a single dagger. Azura's facial expression was quite blank- nothing but a poker face even when Freed stabbed her in the leg. But she looked. She glanced at me this time. I know she did!

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