25•The Prize

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"I think I'll pick, Y/n," Bickslow said with a smirk. Everyone was silent. No one moved a muscle. My eyes were wide and mouth ajar.

What in the-

"No!" A voice growled and through the thick crowd came a tall, slender man, shaking his head. A bottle of water in his hand swinging with every step he took. His feet couldn't guide him that well. The result of drinking nine barrels of booze.

"It's my choice," Bickslow rolled his eyes and folded his arms in front of his broad chest. Everyone made way for the drunk rune mage as he stumbled to fall into the spot light.

"No," he said again, more demanding his time. "I clearly won this contest," he further continued, "And so I'm the one who gets to choose," he argued.

Bickslow licked his dry lips and I could imagine the glare he was giving Freed under his silver knight's helmet. The rune mage ignored whatever looks he got and proudly stood.

"Everyone saw the match. It was pretty damn clear to them. I'm the winner," he stated, anger lacing his words.

"I will not tolerate this!" Freed shouted as he drew his sword and pointed it at Bickslow who was also quick on returning an attack as he ordered his spirits to help him.

The two of them were drunk. Completely, absolutely drunk. I don't think they would do such a thing in front of the whole guild. It just wasn't like the two.

"I'm the victor!" Freed yelled. Bickslow growled, disagreeing with the rune mage. The two continued their mindless quarelling for a while until Mirajane stepped in.

"Stop it you two," she ordered. The boys immediately paused and turned to her. Their eyes, just like mine were droopy as well and they had a light blush dusting their cheeks.

"I'm the victor," Freed muttered again and Bickslow gave him a cold glare. He huffed, crossing his arms and looked away.

"I won," Bickslow mumbled. Mirajane was afraid that the two boys would start yet another argument and so she lied. "Both of you win!"

Gajeel grunted and Wakaba scowled as he too could have had a chance if he had joined the argument.

"What? No! That's not fair," Freed shook his head, his green bangs slapping him in the face lightly.

"I think it's fair," Erza said, wanting the ruckus to soon end so that she could peacefully eat her strawberry cake without any disturbance. Lucy agreed, nodding her head.

The boys, not wanting to test Erza's patience, went along with the idea. Mirajane sent Erza a thankful smile.

"Alright then," she began, slapping her palms together. "Since both of you won, the two of you can choose a person as your slave for one day. The day will begin tomorrow and both of to have to choose two different people."

The boys nodded. People had now gone back to their daily routine, leaving a few of us around the two victors who were to choose a slave for themselves. The fact that they were a part of the Thunder God Tribe and that they had spent almost all their time with Laxus, didn't exactly make any of the participants comfortable with the whole idea.

"Y/n!" The green haired rune mage stated. Oh, crap. What did I get myself into? This was an unfair prize! I had to have a say in this too!

But it wouldn't be that bad, would it? Shut up. No. I'm against the idea of being his slave for a day!

"Are you okay with that, Y/n?" Mirajane asked sweetly, an apology mixed with her words. I couldn't say no. Not to her. And it can't be that bad now, can it? I mean, I would prefer Freed over Bickslow. That spirit wizard was a pervert. A major one.

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