He presses his hand on her back, and she leans up for him to touch where she wants it. He presses the spot on her back at her shoulder blade. "Here?"

            She nods her head, and he removes his hand.

            "Okay, I'm going to need you to take off your shirt, but here's a towel to cover up if you want it." He says laying a towel in her lap.

            I stare at it realizing how I forgot about how she's going to have to take off her shirt in front of a male. I take a deep breath and she looks at me with her eyebrow raised. I give her the 'I'm fine' look, and she turns around facing me. She takes off her shirt, and hands it to me. She grabs the towel from her lap, and holds it against her chest covering up her cleavage and parts of her exposed breasts from her bra.

            "This might hurt, but it'll be done in no time, I promise." He says making her feel relaxed so she doesn't have to worry about anything.

            I watch as he presses the needle on her shoulder blade, and she gives me a blank stare for a moment. I stare at her weirdly wondering why she hasn't shown pain to it. But this time she squeezes her eyes shut, and I grab one of her hands while the other holds up her towel. I can't believe she's getting a tattoo of my initials. I won't regret it if we ever do break up from having a tattoo with her initials in the dove. It's a memory of my first and last true love.

            The tattoo artist finally got done with her tattoo a while later. I stared at her red, swollen shoulder blade on her back. I bite my lip hesitating to get a tattoo.

            "Okay, your turn." He says to me.

            Aiden slides her shirt back on, and gets up out of the seat ready to get into the chair I was sitting in. I take a deep breath and get myself into the chair making myself as comfortable as possible. I take off my knee brace laying it on the floor next to me. I show the artist my paper with the picture of the dove, and I tell him the special message I want under it.

            "Where will this one be at?" He asks staring at the picture.

            "On my hip."

            "Alright, let's get started."

            He lays the picture to the side so he can look at it sometimes. I slide my shirt up until it's underneath my bra line exposing my tan skin, but not exposing my bra. I unbuckle my belt, and slide the side of my shorts where I want my tattoo down a bit, but not far at all.

            "You ready?"

            I nod my head slowly becoming nervous and scared to what it'll feel like.

            He presses the sharp needle against my hip, and I turn my head looking at Aiden fast with a painful look on my face. She grabs my hand holding it tightly.

            "Ahh, it feels like a thousand bee stings at one time." I say leaving my mouth open a bit.

            The tattoo artist chuckles. "Yeah, it'll feel that way."

            I stare in Aiden's eyes the whole entire time so I don't focus on the thousand bee stings. She rubs her thumb on my hand making me feel a little comforted. I yelp quietly when the tattoo artist presses on my hip a little bit more so he can make the tattoo show more. I take a deep breath, and try not to look at the tattoo, because I want it to be a surprise when he's done with it.

            "Are you okay?" Aiden asks staring into my eyes.

            "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I smile at her.

The Only PromiseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang