Chapter 9: Sock Opera (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"I THINK I KNOW A GUY," Bill bellowed, as blue beams of light encased him. When the light dimmed, Bill was in his human form. He appeared beside me, floating a little bit above the roof, which made him appear a bit taller than usual.

"Well, well, well. What a pleasure to see my dear lightening bolt again," Bill cooed. He tipped his hat, and the entire world did the same.

Dipper and I started to fall as the world tipped sideways, but Bill latched onto my hand to keep me from falling. I heard Dipper scream.

"Dipper!" I cried.

Just as Dipper was about to fall off the roof, Bill put his hat back on and the world returned to normal.

I yanked my hand out of his grasp. "I'm surprised you're glad to see me after the lightning storm I unleashed on you in Stan's mind," I prodded, hoping bringing it up might bother him.

"I'm always happy to see you, Y/n," Bill smiled. He turned to Dipper and he took on a more sinister tone. "So, you're looking to crack the computer, huh? How's about you let me give you a hint, huh? I only ask for a small FAVOUR in return." He held out his hand and briefly encased it in blue flames.

"I'd never do a favor for you! Don't forget who defeated you last time!" Dipper exclaimed.

"Right, you "defeated me". Well, if you ever change your mind I'll be here for you, ready to make a deeaaall. Hey, wanna hear my impression of you in about three seconds?" Bill proceeded to flail his arms and scream. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!"

And, as quick as it happened, it was over. There was a bright flash, then Dipper and I woke up in the now coloured world. Dipper was screaming and flailing his arms beside me, but I didn't have the energy for that.

I took a deep breath and let what just happened sink in. I really wasn't sure about how I felt about seeing him again. Part of me was angry that he returned and part of me was confused about what he wanted. Then, a part of me that I didn't understand, was happy to see him. I hated to admit it, but I miss him and I miss being friends and I miss the times when everything made sense.

Dipper was done screaming and was rubbing his eyes to try and get himself to fully wake up. Pink hues were being cast on us by the rising sun. Morning.

Dipper and I sauntered our way into the kitchen, slouched over, completely drained of energy. Mabel and Stan were already in the kitchen.

"Hey Mabel," I yawned.

"Guys! I told you to get some sleep last night!" Mabel chastised. "Here, wake up with some Mabel Juice." Mabel held up a blender full of red liquid with various objects floating around. "It has plastic dinosaurs in it!"

"It's like if coffee and nightmares had a baby!" Stan groaned.

Dipper took Mabel and pushed her out of the kitchen. "Mabel, listen, last night Y/n and I had a dream together-"

Mabel gasped, "You guys were in each other's dreams? Romantic!"

"Mabel!" I said, trying to get her to focus. "Bill was in the dream."

"Wait, hold up, the triangle guy?"

"He said he'd give us the code to the laptop if I gave him something," Dipper explained. "Like I'd actually trust Bill, right?"

"Don't worry, bro. Today's the day that the mystery twins are back in action. I'll help you guys crack that code. I've just got to hand off my puppet stuff to my production crew."

"Production crew?" Dipper and I questioned.

The door bell rang and Mabel ran to answer. By the time Dipper and I had caught up with her, she was already having a conversation with Candy and Grenda, her "production crew".

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