"No really, it could happen. What would you tell her about the bet?" Dinah asked her friend.

"You can't be serious?" Lauren asked her group of friends.

"First of all, this bet is guaranteed over if she ever finds out. Second, why would I fall in love with her? She's not even my type. And third, I like chicken nuggets."

"Why did you-" Ally asked, cutting herself off, trying to figure out why her friend decided to include the chicken nuggets fact.

"I needed a third point. I wasn't just going to leave it at two." Lauren shrugged, answering her friends question.

"I just wanted to say I was sorry for getting mad. I just don't want you to get hurt." Camila admitted toward her friend.

"Awe, Mil." Y/N spoke softly.

"So am I forgiven?" Camila asked.

"Of course. If you forgive me for what I'm about to say..." Y/N spoke softly while lowering her head a little.

"Whatever your decision, I should support it. I mean I can't control you, right?" Camila spoke, more to herself than to her friend.

"I have a date with Lauren on Saturday." Y/N admitted to her friend.

"Mm-hm." Camila spoke while her eyes widened and her lips thinned. She didn't want to cause a scene that would end up embarrassing her best friend. She wouldn't care if it were her at all, but she knew Y/N hated too much public attention. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Well, tell me how it goes. If she tries to rape you, punch her titty." Camila answered in a calmer tone than before.

"Thank you, Mil's." Y/N spoke softly placing her hand on top of her best friends.

"So these have been dated since 2014 until August of this year, 2017." Sofia spoke while placing them in order for her best friend.

"Thats thirty six in total." Jasper spoke.

"Actually thirty seven. These are instructions." Sofia spoke while handing the note to her best friend.

"Okay. Lets read them." Jasper spoke softly while unwrapping the paper.

These are in order. Read them that way. Try and find out who I am before winter break.

"So this is technically a searching game." Jasper rolled her eyes.

She picked up the first note labeled August of 2014. She was careful to unwrap it, it was intricate, and she liked it. She had finally unfolded it and read it.

August 30 2014

You're new here. You've never been to Miami before, and you used to live overseas before coming here. You said you have an older sister, I remembered because I was listening to everyones class introductions. But I couldn't help to take special notes on yours. I guess I really want to be your friend, but I don't know how to talk to you. I hope this will change soon.

Jasper looked up from the note, she wanted to know who this person was. She handed the note she had just read, over to Sofia, and picked up the next one.

September 30, 2014

I was having a terrible day that day. I regret it, I'm so sorry.

You looked broken.

I didn't- I'm so sorry.

But I'd noticed you'd made a new friend. I hope she made it better.

She looked at the note, wondering what could have happened in September in 2014. She couldn't really remember anything and decided to hand over the note to Sofia for her to read.

October 30 2014

I just noticed you had braces. I overheard your friend talking about them and how you get them off in the summer. You look cute in them. I'm sure you looked as beautiful without straight teeth as well. You see, I've never told anyone about liking you. I can't even admit it to myself.

November 30, 2014

Oh God, the school play is in three weeks and that tinker bell costume they have you in makes it harder for me to resist. I was almost selfish enough to push you off the stage, I'm sorry. It's getting harder to control my feelings for you... Oh God you're just so beautiful. I'm sure if you would have told me I were to fall in love with the new girl, I'd laugh in your face, but I did.

December 30, 2014

I've always wanted a new years kiss, but you weren't ever there. It's not like I expected you to be. We're complete opposites. I almost told you at the end of the play. You did so great on opening night, you truly looks majestic, and were still beautiful. I finally saw your sister, she was sitting in the front row. She looked so proud of you! I was too. I hope you spent a wonderful christmas and new years around people you love.

January 30, 2015

I saw you in the hallways again. You have the best ass, oh God, I almost slapped it. You may not believe it but I got hard and had to skip a few classes. I looked up what your name means, but I was interested in the images.
Your name is a gem, one of a kind.

Just like you.

February 28, 2015

You're so beautiful, I can't keep doing this to you. I hope one day you forgive me. I don't mean to do this on purpose but it's already too late to change. I'm pretty sure one day you'll understand why, I'm so selfish. You wore the cutest outfit valentines day. I thought about it that weekend.

March 30, 2015

Is there ever a day where you fail to amaze me?

No. Never.

Jasper stopped reading through the notes and was confused. Sofia had breen reading them just as fast and could pretty much pinpoint that it was meant for her friend.

"Definitely meant for you. January '14 says so." Sofia spoke while Jasper just looked at her friend weirdly.

"Who is this?" Jasper whispered, asking herself more than she was asking Sofia.

"Well whoever this guy is, has a thing for your butt as well." Sofia held in a giggle.

"How do you know it's a guy?" Jasper asked again.

"Jas, they got hard." Sofia pointed at that exact like on the note.

"I'm sorry, this is too much to handle." Jasper spoke and packed the rest of the notes in her backpack.

"What are you doing!" Sofia asked and was immediately shushed by the librarian. Sofia only responded by rolling her eyes.

"Well, I'm sad to say this but free period ends in two minutes and I have a lunch detention to go to." Jasper admitted while standing up and started to walk out.

"Ugh! I hate that you have lunch detention." Sofia spoke angrily.

"About that, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to purposefully get in trouble. It just... happened." Jasper answered.

"Yeah yeah, don't read any of the notes without me, we need to find out who this is, together!"
Sofia smiled at her and Jasper only nodded.
IF there are any grammatical issues on this story, please please please tell me where they are so I can fix them.

Comment them in the story or send me a message!! Thanx


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