Chapter 5: Fog

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(Continued on from previous chapter)

Ominiscient P.O.V

Hiccup, oblivious to the commotion taking place not far off Berk, was lying in his bed attempting to sleep.

Hiccup's P.O.V

I roled over trying to get comfortable. I just couldn't stop thinking about her. 

I lay in bed a few more minutes, before deciding I couldn't take it any more. Slipping out of the covers I put a bit of wieght on my metal leg testing to see if it would squeek. Thankfully it didn't make a sound. I pulled my boot on and carefully crept through my house. 

I shivered as I opened the door to the night air. I ran over to Toothless's little hut which provided shelter for him and his family. 

"Toothless?" I whispered. I heard a bit of scuffaling and a growl before he removed him self from the hut. "Come on bud, we're going for a fly." 

I grabbed Toothless's saddle, from my own personal workshop that I had built with Gobber last week as he claimed I was taking up to much space, I saddled Toothless and we took off into the night. 

Toothless needed no directions, he had guessed were I was going. We landed by Astrid house and I climbed down. "You can go back if you want bud, 'll be fine for now." 

He took off into the sky leaving me alone in the cold air looking up at Astrid's front door.  

Toothless's P.O.V

"Where did you go?" Shadow growled at me as I walked through the door. 

"Hiccup wanted to go to Astrid's house." I growled settling down next to her. 

Shadow sighed, "I wish you wouldn't encourage him, she's just going to break his heart again" 

"I know but he was so happy when they were together and now that they're not it's like his life has been turned upside down and he doesn't know how to flip it back." 

"well, I will never leave you." Shadow said snuggling up next to me, I laying my head down next to hers I closed my eyes.

Astrid's P.O.V




I opened my eyes groggily and sat up just as a stone came through the window, narrowly missing my face. 

I jumped out of bed and went to the window. Swerving to the side I avoided another two stones that flew into my room. I looked out and uhhhhhhh really!?

"Hiccup!" I hissed sticking my head out and glaring at him. 

"Hi Astrid" he smiled up. 

"What in Thor's name are you doing?" 

"Coming to see you."

"I'm trying to sleep, go away." 

"Ahhh, well no can do Astrid, Toothless just walked back to my house and he can't fly down so your stuck with me." Hiccup said shrugging inocently

"Take Stormfly." 


After putting up such a fight to stay, agreeing to take my dragon just like that unerved me. I climbed out the window and jumped the few feet to the ground. I heard the clicking of claws on the cobblestone street as Stormfly and Hiccup came over to me.

"You coming?" Hiccup asked holding a hand out to help me on. Oh so that's why he agreed, I should have kown he would know I would want to see why he had abruptly changed his mind.

"Why, aren't you just going home." I snapped.

 "Do you wan't to find out?" 

"Well, i'm not going to let you take my dragon." I said grudgingly walking up 

I swatted Hiccup's hand away, it reminded me of the first time I had flown on Toothless. Hmmmmm that had been amazing. I pushed the thought away and jumped on to Stormfly's back, crossing my arms rather than put them around Hiccup's waist, no matter how much I might want to. 

"I think I should be the one at the front" I snapped pocking his back. 

He chuckled before saying "do you know where we are going?" 

I decided not to answer that question. 

Once we were up in the air i regretted not holding onto Hiccup. He was swerving like crazy, I could almost imagine rocks coming out in our path. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted at him grasping the back of his shirt. 

"taking you for a flight" Hiccup said inocently 

"Let me down now this isn't fun." 

I could see fog up ahead. 




why fog?

"Hiccup seriously take me back now!" I pancked as my hands grasped round his waist. 

"Astrid are you ok?" Hiccup asked anxiously. 

"No" I wimpered hating my self for being so weak.

"Ok we can go back." 

I felt Stormfly turning and we flew back to my house, away from the horrible fog.

Hiccup's P.O.V

When we landed Astrid jumped off and began running to her house. I followed her catching up with her easily even with my leg. I grabbed her arm spinning her around. 

"Astrid what happened back there?" I asked softly as she jerked her arm from my grip. I watched in astonishment as she whiped her eyes. Astrid never cried, well except that one time when she thought I wasn't going to ask her out... but anyway, Astrid never cried!

"Nothing I just don't like the fog." She whispered. 

I remebered years back when Astrid's father and my mother had disappeared on one of the boats. Witnesses said they had seen the boat float in to... fog! That was it. 

"Oh" I said just as Astrid collapsed down into sobs. 

I hesitantly put my arms around and she buried her head in my chest. 

''s ok" I whispered strocking her hair. 

She eventually stopped crying and looked up at me with teary eyes. I think that's when we realised how close together we were. There was an awkward moment of silence before Astrid hastily withdrew and without a backward glance ran back to her house. 


I don't really have anything to say soooo umm yeah



❤  toothlessLover777 ❤

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