44. Our Future

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Mia woke up in the middle of the night and rolled over to find Carter missing from his side of the bed. She sat up and checked the time to realize it was two in the morning. Mia stretched out her limbs and looked around, listening carefully to what was going on outside the room.

She eventually walked out of the room to find Carter in the kitchen making something. He lifted his gaze and smiled at Mia as she approached him while putting on her bathrobe.

"What are you up to?" Mia asked as she stood beside him and hugged the man by his waist.

"Corn dogs," he replied, focusing on trying not to burn the perfect-looking corn dogs in the frying pan.

"You sure eat a lot," Mia patted his stomach, and he hummed in reply, "It's a good thing, by the way," she added.

"What a gentle way to tell me I've gained weight," Carter scoffed.

"I didn't say that," Mia chuckled, "It's always me who craves something every now and then."

Carter hummed as he pondered. He looked at Mia and asked, "Did you get your period last month?"

Mia gaped at him, "No, but we went to the doctor and they said it's normal for the cycle to be irregular when you use birth control pills."

"Huh," he smacked his lips then cleared his throat, "Well, did you get it this month?"

She lowered her gaze to her own body, then looked back at him, "Do you think I'm pregnant?"

"Considering all the considerable consideration..."

"What are you going to do if I'm pregnant?"

"I will get ready to become a dad," he patted his belly, "I'm halfway there with my dad bod."

"I wouldn't know how to act if your body is a dad bod," Mia scoffed. "It's probably stress. I'll get checked tomorrow."

"You're stressed?" Carter frowned, "Is there something I can do about it?"

"No, thank for being a sweetheart," Mia smiled. "I'm just worried about what happened with Camille earlier."

"Because her dad is the mayor?" Carter asked, "Remember, our backup plan is to move to the city if her dad hunts us."

"I wish it's as easy as saying it," she scoffed, "I'm just afraid she'll get mad pissed about what I said. I'm pretty sure you know how easily the rich can end things for unfortunate people like me. I mean... What if I go to work on Monday and lose my job?"

"Oh, come on. It wouldn't be that bad. I'm pretty sure she has better things to do than to fuck up your life. The girl's threatened by some unknown stalker just a few weeks ago. She definitely need to take care of that first."

Mia gaped at him as he passed her one of the corn dogs he made. She rolled her eyes, "I see, you're taking her side."

"My love... what?" Carter gasped in disbelief. He sucked the sauce on his thumb before scoffing in disbelief as Mia turned around and walked away from him. "Mia, I wasn't taking sides. I'm just saying-- hey! Come back here. I made you corn dog."

"I don't like corn dog. Fuck you," Mia grumbled before disappearing into the room.

Carter sighed, "At least have a bite...?"

"No, thanks." She replied from the room.

He sat in the kitchen by himself and gave Mia some time to cool down from the unnecessary heat while he enjoyed his supper. By the time he was done and got back in the room, Mia was already asleep again. He kissed her cheek before sleeping on his side of the bed without disturbing her space. He came into realization that Mia didn't like getting held when she's already asleep after they started sharing the bed again. If he snuggles up with her after she fell asleep first, she would make sure to get up and push him away so she could sleep well.

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