18. Hitting on You

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When Carter reached the house where the girls are, he tried to call Hazel to know if it's the right place but she wasn't picking up the phone. He soon found himself inside the crowded house, trying to look for Hazel and Mia.

He exhaled in relief as soon as he found Hazel in the kitchen with some random guy. "I was looking for you - where's Mia?" He asked, eyeing the guy while he's at it.

"I don't know," Hazel frowned as she took a look around. "Maybe you should check the drinks stand, she was there when I saw her last."

Carter nodded, "Thanks." He then gave the guy a glare, "I'll keep your face in my head. If anything happens to Hazel, her boyfriend and I will find you and kill you."

"We're just talking," Hazel grumbled, pushing Carter away.

Carter walked away and searched for the bar by the pool. That's when he saw Mia walking away to the woods behind the house. She even brought a few bottles of beer along with her as if she's planning a midnight picnic with someone. He followed her from a safe distance, just enough for her not to notice him. Mia seemed to know where she was heading at the moment although the route wasn't structured to Carter's eyes. He'd be damned if the girl he's following was a ghost and not Mia. He kept checking if her feet was on the ground the entire time, just in case she's a flying ghost.

After walking for a few minutes, Mia halted and stood behind a tree just as they reached an open spot. There was a giant tree stump in the middle of the woods, and a couple was already making out on it. Mia was looking forward to sit there and drink by herself, not witness two people trying to have sex at that place as if motels don't exist.

"At least they've got clothes on." Carter's voice made Mia flinch as she clutched her bottles of beer tighter against her chest.

She looked at him, dizzy from the shock and her hair was standing on ends. Mia even forgot to breathe until she realized it was Carter and not someone or something else. "You scared me," she gasped softly, loosening her grip on the bottles as she began walking back to the house.

"Pretty good jumpscare, huh?" Carter chuckled. They head back to the house with Mia leading the way while finishing another bottle of beer.

"You don't just do that to people. I almost had a freaking heart attack, you son of... an angel," Mia grumbled.

"I came because I thought you said you needed a hug?"

"And I thought you said you were busy?" She scoffed. She stopped halfway through the trail and spun around to confront him. "Anyway... I need to get this straight: do you have a girlfriend?"

"What?" He frowned, staring at her as she leaned against one tree and staring right back at him. The red flush on her cheeks were evidence of how tipsy she was at the moment. Not really drunk, just a little tipsy. She's able to tell what happened at the party when she wakes up tomorrow.

"Was she the reason that you're busy?" She asked again, sighing as she opened another bottle of beer, "Because she's your priority?"

"I suppose," he shrugged. "She should be, since she's my girl."

Mia gaped at him as the frown on her face softened. She cleared her throat and asked again, "Well then... is she prettier than me?"

"I personally think you look better than her but if I had to choose, then she's not just pretty. She's freaking gorgeous."

"Really?" She scoffed, "Wow, she's so lucky. And she doesn't get mad about us hanging out all the time."

"Yup," Carter saw a hint of disappointment on her face before she looked away.

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