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"Words are merely words and nothing else. To know the reality we need to look beyond it"

The last few moments have been full of tears and hugging. I was glad that finally I was letting it go and the pressure was somehow decreasing and I was happy for the fact that Suhana was right there with me when I really needed her and I knew this girl will always be by my side. Friendship is an strong thread holding two people together which cannot be broken so easily, the most important essential is that both of them need to hold the thread. If love was the life than friendship was the breath which was important for the life to go on.

Before Suhana I had many friends but none were that close. Actually they weren't exactly friends just some people I know. There was a reason behind the fact that I was not surrounded with much people. Firstly, I myself was never fond of much people. The more the people, higher the chances of getting hurt. It is difficult to know what a person really is, what the real intentions are and whether the friendship is real or not. This was the very important reason that I stayed away from people and secondly, Vansh would always have a hard time approving my friends. He has a very long list of the qualities which a person should posses in order to become my friend and the most important one was that my friends should be female only. I was never allowed to befriend any male. In the starting this would always cause a rift between us and I was the one who has to give up at the end. If I would ever go against him than the fight was for sure to happen. There was a time when I used to talk to one of my male friends from school and he was quite an old friend and he lived in other state and we used to text each other that too very rarely. In the starting Vansh was ok with it but soon I realized that he used to check my phone whenever we met and the first thing he ever did was to check my conversation with my friend. One day he told me that he doesn't like the fact that I am talking to someone else and I needed to block him. In the starting I tried to persuade him and make him realize that we were just friends and there is nothing else but he stood his ground and was not ready to understand it and at last I have to give up and I blocked my friend. After I blocked him Vansh was back to his normal self but I on the other hand was hurt by his action. I never said anything to Vansh ever again and tried to live by his norms.

But see where it has brought me. I am standing at that point where I have no idea who I am and what I am doing. I have lost my self respect in my own eyes and still he thinks that I don't wanna make it work. I did each and everything that would make him happy but still that isn't enough.

"Sanaya what are you thinking" Suhana's question brought me back to reality
"Nothing much. Was thinking about some useless stuff which have no value now" I told her

"Tell me what else bothers you? I know there isn't this much only but even more to the story. I want to know because how much you have told me in the past  according to that Vansh loves you alot and he understands you but the truth is far away from it and I can see it. The way he treats you isn't right and he even insults you infront of us. You do remember the time when we went to watch the movie and the things he said I never appreciated them and that was enough for me to know how much of love he has for you" she said the truth because definitely there was more to the story and I do remember the day when we went for the movie and how he insulted me. Suhana was looking at me with that look which clearly said 'don't you dare lie or hide anything now'.As I was about to answer her the doorbell rang and she got up to answer it and I once again was lost in the past.

It was a normal day nothing special we have decided to watch a movie. I was angry with Vansh because he had joined the office a few days ago and has brought a new number but still he hasn't called me or texted me. This was enough to make me angry and I really didn't wanted to go anywhere but it was due to Vansh's cousin brother that I went for the movie. During the whole journey Vansh didn't talked to me directly and kept asking Suhana what was wrong like he has no idea. On reaching the mall there was time for the movie so, I and Suhana decided to go and have a look at the clothes section and while looking at the clothes Suhana and I started joking and I told her let's go and find a new boyfriend and we started laughing but Vansh took it in another way. After that we went for the movie and Vansh didn't say anything. Once I tried to hold his hands but he started laughing thus making me more angry and annoyed. After that we didn't talk and after the movie was over we decided to grab something to eat. We went to a restaurant and after we ate Vansh's cousin left to pay the bill leaving only me, Vansh and Suhana. That's when Vansh said the cheapest thing he has ever said. I remember tye exact word he said "let me know whenever you want to make a new boyfriend I will send six-seven boys for you"

The words made my blood boil and I left but after that he never bothered to apologize and till date he has not apologized for his words. Even now the words bring back the pain and makes me think that how can he ever say anything like that. What does he considers me to be? Is this love or is this away of showing love? I have no idea what it is but this was enough to tell me what exactly he thinks about me. Getting up I made my way to the door to see who was there and what took Suhana so long to come back. This was the distraction I needed.

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