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"They say that sadness is not permanent but they forgot that nothing is permanent not even happiness"

The smile on my face was enough to tell how happy I was. The past few hours were all that it took to forget about all the sadness and pain. Maybe this was all that I needed some time actually some alone time with Vansh to know that he really loves me and he too is a human being and is bound to make mistakes. Though the mistakes he committed weren't that easy to forgive but they weren't even that big that I should hold on them forever. Last few hours consisted of loving each other and than telling each other how much the other means and than again showing love to each other.

Right now I was lying in Vansh arms tightly holding on him as if my life dependent on it. Running my fingers through his hairs I realized that the past days have been so hectic as if there was lot of burden on my shoulders and now just having him sleeping beside me and looking at his calm face made me forget each and everything and all the pressure from my shoulders were released. Still smiling and getting more closer to him I closed my eyes with nothing else but just the happy thoughts roamimg in my mind and soon I found myself drifting to sleep.

I woke up to the kisses which were being showered by Vansh. Lazily opening my eyes I buried my face more in his chest and tried to go back to sleep but this boy beside me has made up his mind that he won't let me sleep as he kept on pinching me.

Annoyed I opened my eyes and glared at him and in return he smiled and kissed me. Once breaking away from the kiss I said "way to ruin my sleep. What you want?"

Holding me close to him he said "nothing I just thought to wake you up"

Still glaring at him I replied " that you have"

"Oh baby don't be irritated now. I woke you up so that we can go and have some real food" he told me smiling and continued to speak while playing with my hairs "I do know that you must be hungry after all the heavy work you did"

Opening my eyes properly I saw him smirking and laughing slightly at my flushed expression and I so badly wanted to wipe that smirk away from his face so I grab the nearest pillow and threw it at his face. I expected something to hit me in return but instead it made Vansh laugh even more harder and he was laying on the floor clutching his stomach trying to control his laughter.

Feeling defeated I got up and made myself look little presentable and walked towards the kitchen with Vansh following me closely still laughing.

I picked the bowl of pasta and heated it and started serving it. "You have always been a good cook but not better than me" Vansh told me while chewing on the food.

"Yeah yeah I do know you are an wonderful cook" I told him and it wasn't a lie infact he really was a good cook. Smiling I looked at him and decided to talk to him about our problems.

"Vansh I really wanted to talk to you. You do know your behaviour has been hurting me and in the past also we had so many differences so we should really talk about it" I told him

"What's there to talk Sanaya? Absolutely nothing. Its totally for you to understand" he simply replied.

His words made my blood boil and all those pain came rushing back at once. I looked at him and said "this isn't my thing Vansh this is our thing. This relation is for both of us and we both need to find the solution"

"We don't need any solution because there isn't any problem" he told me.

"Why can't you see it that there is a problem and not only a problem but many problems" I replied feeling annoyed.

"Ok fine. Tell me what's the problem" he demanded

"The biggest problem is that you don't want to talk. Why you have to keep everything related to us aside? Why do you have to treat me like I am nothing? Why can't we be like a normal couple?" I asked him.

"Why you are again making an issue? There isn't anything to talk about and I am not keeping it aside but I am simply telling it to you because you are making your own assumptions" he told me.

"I am not making any asaumptions but I just want to make it work I want to make things good. The problem is you behave as you want to and than when I demand an answer you simply tell me that there was some problem. I just want to know why can't you share your problems with me?" I asked

"Because you don't have to know everything" he said clearly annoyed by my outburst.

"Why am I not supposed to know? We have been dating for so long. 11 years it has been and still you can't share your problems with me? I am your girlfriend and you can't even share your problems with me?" I asked ignoring his annoyance.

"Enough Sanaya. I came here to talk and not to fight. I wanted to love you amd make everything right but it seems that you are still stuck there" he replied

"How am I suppose to make love to you when you don't want to solve the problem?" I asked

He ran his hand through his hairs and got up and walked towards the main door and said "you know what I shouldn't have come here. Its my fault you can never change" and with that he left leaving me all alone.

As I stood at the door hoping for him to return back and hold me my heart beated more rapidly. I waited and waited untill I was sure that he isn't coming back. I closed the door and sat by it but this time the pain wasn't there but there was that feeling of disgust that I felt for myself and the tears which were accompanying me.

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