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"The best and the worst gift anyone can ever give is MEMORIES"

I wonder why we lose importance in the person's life who once treated us their lifeline, and this happens only in two cases either the person has stopped loving you or the promises they made and the lovely actions they did in the past were fake. And I really have no idea in which category my situation belongs to.  But whatever the reason or situation is the lose will always be mine and the pain will also be mine to bear.

After coming back from the office I proceeded to make dinner with the hope of receiving the call tonight. I kept checking my phone every minute for any call or message from him. After having dinner and completing all the other task I sat in the balcony. And now its almost 1 am and here I am sitting and waiting for the call to come. This quite has been a routine now, missing him and waiting for him to miss me. Sometimes this wait turns into more and more waiting and with each passing minute my heart sinks more and more and when I finally receive the call my happiness reaches the sky but the problem is he has stopped missing me and receiving that one single call is like a miracle, its always me who have to make the efforts. I am well aware of the fact that if he doesn't call me I am suppose to make the move, which I have been doing for years now but sometimes the limit is crossed and the patience wears off and that's when we want to feel the love, affection and desire of the other person. There comes a moment when we want to know our place and importance in that special person's life. But the question is the amount of love we want to feel is the other person ready to give?

I realised it was late and i will not get the call, feeling defeated I picked the phone to call him. Dialing his number I waited for him to receive it. After the minutes ringtone the line went dead. Sighing I called him again silently praying for him to answer it and as the seconds passed my heartbeat quickened and at the very last ring the call was answered making me smile.

"Hello" I spoke with the same love tone I always use, silence was all I received I spoke again"hello Vansh. You there?"

"Huh", came his sleeping voice and I knew that very moment that I won't be able to talk to him again tonight.  "Are you sleeping" I asked him hoping the answer to be no. "Yeah" was all he said.

Controlling my emotions and strong urge to talk to him, I told him "sleep,we will talk tomorrow. Call me when you wake up. Love you." I waited for his reply but nothing and with that the call was ended.

Clutching the phone close to my heart I tried to sooth the pain and urge to call him back and ask him why he didn't call me when he was free but knowing him, I knew he would simply tell me, " if you wanted to talk you should have called me". Remembering his previous replies on the same question which I have asked him again anad again made me even more frustrated.

I needed to do something in order to numb that missing feeling a little. I opened the gallery and looked at his pictures and tried to find the reason for which he changed or the circumstances which made him change but found nothing. I still have the memories of those long conversations we once used to have and how he would call me every morning to wake me up and how every night I used to fall asleep listening to his voice and the fact that he never disconnected the call even after I fell asleep, I remember him saying "you know what baby, listening to your calm breathing is my peace of mind and it is my favourite melody I have ever listened, and that's the only thing that can make me fall asleep without worries and that's the last thing I need at the end". But now things have chnged so has his love and he himself, it has been ages since I have fallen asleep to his voice. I think that's what people mean when they say, Only love has the capability to hurt you peacefully, without your knowing.

I decided to go back to the room and try to get some sleep even though it was far away from me but still I have to try because it was me who has promised him to always take care of myself. He may have forgotten his promises but I will always keep mine. On reaching my room I lied down and turned the volume of my phone to its loudest. Switching off the light I tried to fall asleep with the hope of waking up next morning with his voice.

Ohk so here is the 3 chapter. Read and this time let me know your favourite line.😊

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