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"The person whom you love the most will be the one who will hurt you the most. That's the bitter truth of life"

Morning is always the beginning of a new day. It give ways to light after darkness and maybe it tries to tell us that there is always light and the darkness will fade away slowly bringing more warmth and happiness. That's what I thought while sitting at my table and looking through the window. Currently I was in my office, hairs put up in a tight bun and thinking about "words to live by" but nothing good came by and I started appreciating the morning rays which filled my cabin and how it made everything more beautifull and shiney.

I was long lost in my love for morning the ringing of my phone brought me back to reality demanding my attention. I picked my phone and looked at the caller id, the call was from an unknown number after some thinking I answered the call.

"What took you so long to answer it?" I heard Vansh's voice at the other end. This was the call for which I was waiting so eagerly.

"Nothing just working" I told him.

"Ok. So you are at your office" he said with that unintersted tone.

"Yeah I was writing a article and was searching for some really good stuff to include but I am not able to figure out what I actually should write" I told him in hope that he would help me or say something which would solve my problem.

"Ok. Carry on with your work I just called to say hie and nothing much. I am working too" was all his simple reply.

"Yeah ok. We will talk later. I love you" I told him feeling slightly defeated.

"I love you too" and with that he ended the call leaving me again confused.

There was a time when his I love you's would melt me and would cause sparks but now they seem like empty words which have to be said out of habits. There were times when we would never end calls without saying it and I guess that's the ritual which we are still following. You see the problem is that when love starts its all about rainbows, monsoons and fairytales but after a while those fairytale dies and reality hit you hard but the love is still present there and you are still willing to make it work with all your heart and that's the time when everything seems beautiful to you those kisses, that initimacy and even the fights and its you who is happy in spending your time in a confined place with your love beacuse that's the time when sex is not only sex but rather your way of emotion and a great way of showing your love. You love each other you show it by having sex, you fight and than you make-up with sex and you feel sorry you have sex to prove that you are really sorry but the thing is this whole sex thing only last for a while.

You just cannot be misdirected each time in name of love because reality has a way of making itself felt and than there comes this phase where you start questiong love and its outcome. When you have dated someone for a long time you are willing to do anything to make them happy and you actually do things which will make them happy whether it be making cards , cooking or even going to the extend of breaking rules to meet them and sometimes even doing things which makes you sad and you are not willing to do it.

There comes this time when you feel like that you have been awaken  from a dream and suddenly hitted by reality and you start drawing lines between what actually is love and what actually you are doing. People are tend to make mistakes and when we love them we are supposed to forgive them but sometimes these mistakes turns into habit and than you have nothing to say because maybe deep down you know that it was you who has given the other person the right to hurt you again and again. And than problem of blaming yourself starts.

Forgiving someone you really love is easy but forgiving someone who has the habit of hurting you in each and every way doesn't deserve forgiveness but we still try to give it to them but the problem is they never really feel sorry they say it because they don't want to lose you for whatever reason they have. The real thing isn't about being sorry or not its actually about not feeling lonely and having it work out from both sides its just not about degrading the other person just to hide your fault. The pain these thoughts shot through my heart was too much to avoid and it was something for which the answers were still unknown.

Shaking my head slightly and clearly it a bit I looked at the words I wrote and for a while I thought about the real situation and the consequences it has caused. Silently calculating the hurt and the sadness which has been buried deep inside me I picked my pen and started writing "the words to live by are simple yet complicated. Always remember to overcome your fear and to stand by your ownself when no one else does."

That's all for today. Read and do comment.😊

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