"That's so sweet of you, it looks like flan." Mike commented.

"That's what it is." Y/N smiled shyly.

"Here, let me take it to the fridge." Mike reached over for Y/N to hand him what she was currently holding. She'd handed him her dessert and he'd disappeared inside of the kitchen.

"Clara, the rice is ready for the ham." He spoke to his wife.

"Oh, excuse me. Dinner isn't ready yet, and won't be until another hour and I really do apologize for that," Clara began.

"Don't worry about it Mrs. Jauregui! We aren't offended." Y/N nicely spoke.

"I did make some appetizers for you guys as well, they're sitting in the living room. Feel free to watch anything you want." She spoke while gesturing toward the living room.

"Come on, I'll show you." Lauren smiled while leading Y/N and Jasper toward the living area.

"So what did you guys want to do?" Taylor asked.

"This is the first time you don't dominate something." Jasper rudely speaks, Rolling her eyes, and crossing her arms.

"Jasper." Y/N lets out in a warning tone.

"Let's play twenty questions like I promised." Lauren spoke, trying to relieve the thick atmosphere, and reminding Y/N that she keeps her promises.

"Alright. Let's do it." Y/N agreed.

"Whats your favorite color?" Y/N asked smiling and getting all giddy.

"Oh come on." Lauren rolled her eyes but still answered the question, along with Taylor, Jas, and Chris.

"If you were stranded on an island and you could have magically brought three things, what would you bring, and why?" Taylor asked while getting a nod of approval from their mother who'd walked by.

Everyone seemed to be happily sharing their answers, especially toward the weird questions. Surprisingly no one had seemed to run out of questions to ask and every new question was interesting. Mike and Clara had been eavesdropping, making sure Taylor had been 'kissing ass' for being in the wrong and were pleased so far.

"If you could text anyone anything without them reacting negatively to it, what would you text, and why?" Chris asked the group of girls.

"I'd text Emily and tell her that her blue hair isn't as cool as she thinks it is. Sure it's nice, but no one wants to hear about it all the time. We can already see it. There's no need to brag about it." Taylor admitted.

"I'd tell Sofia that she snores like a bear when she sleeps, it's kind of funny." Jasper admitted. She'd seemed to be happy, nothing bad was happening between her and Taylor, and she'd managed to forget everything that had happened at school.

"I'd probably text my parents how much I hate their night shifts honestly." Y/N admitted, Lauren rubbed her arm to comfort the girl. The gesture spoke one thousand words to her, but to Lauren, it was all about keeping the eyes on the prize. Thats when she suddenly got an idea and started following through with it.

"I'd probably text Mr. Diments and tell him I was the one that egged his house. He wasn't the best math teacher, and frankly, none of the other teachers liked him." Chris admitted.

"What about you Lauren?" Jasper asked.

Just then Y/N's phone pinged, signaling a message. Completely oblivious, she picked up her phone and clicked the power button to read the message.

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