List Of Dinosaurs in Jurassic World (So Far)

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Hello, my readers. This is Braedey95 reporting.

First off, I apologise for not having updated this story as of late, along with my 'Totally Spies!' book. Things had come up as of late, so that's the reason in why. But, to make up for that, I've started to make up a list of dinosaurs that are in this story, and throughout the story, I'll add some more to this list.


Carly: a Carnotaurus Satrei. Black scales with red on the eyes and back of her head that run down to her back and ends at her tail. Eyes are yellow.

Ivy: an Indominus Rex. She has snow white scales and gold eyes.

Iris: as Indominus Rex. She has snow white scales and scarlet red eyes.

Dahna: Dilophosaurus. She has the same appearance and design like the dinosaur in the first 'Jurassic Park' movie.

Belinda: Baryonyx. Grey colour skin with yellow markings on each side.

Mona: the Mosasaur. Bluish grey scales and yellow green eyes.

Rexy: the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Brown scales across her form, with scars on her nose, and yellow eyes.

Polly: a Pteranodon. Grey skinned with light red on her head and yellow eyes.

Dixie: the Dimorphodon. Grey scales and yellow eyes.

Ingrid: Inostrancevia alexandri. Greyish brown fur with black dots on each of her sides of her body. Eyes are yellow.

Dawn, Delilah, Dorothy, and Dory: Dimetrodon. Dawn has Gila monster markings. Delilah has Tiger Snake markings. Dorothy has blue Poison Dart frog markings. Dory has green scales and black stripe markings on the back. They all have yellow eyes.

Tina: the Titanobao. Scales are brown with light brown underbelly and yellow eyes.

Carrie: a Ceratosaurus. Her head and horn are in red scales; her scales are light brown with splash of black on her back.

Sara: a Sarcosuchus; a supercroc. Has brown crocodilian scales and yellow eyes.

Spectra: the Spinosaurus. Her scales are in greyish blue with black tips on her sail and her eyes are yellow.

Monica: Microraptor. Brown feathers with creamy scales and her eyes are grey.

Spinny: a Spinoraptor. He has the head and body of Utahraptor, with a blue feathered crest on his skull, arms, legs and tail, and the spine of a Spinosaurus. And his eyes were yellow.

Steven: a Stegoceratops. He has a body of a Stegosaurus and the head of a Triceratops. His scales are bright orange and his eyes are yellow or orange.

Snow: a Mortiferous Raptor. She has a body shape similar to the Indominus Rexes. Her head shape is shown to be gecko flat-like, with sky blue eyes on the front of her head like a human, with two rows of sharp teeth in her mouth. She has two long arms that are similar to a Spinosaurus, three fingers armed with long black claws and a thumb with a long black claw. Her feet are similar to a T-Rex with black claws on them. Like the Indominus Rexes, she has spine-like decorations on its skull and back. She is 9 feet high, making it bigger than a Velociraptor.

Assassin: the Indominus Spino. He looks like an average Spinosaurus, but he is incredibly larger, about 17.5 feet tall. He has dark red scales all over his body and black ridge on his sail. His eyes are also dark red.

Hunter: the Indominus Spino. He shows a resemblance that is more like a Baryonyx with a sail on his back. He is about 17 feet in height. He has dark green scales and eyes, with the same black ridge on his sail.

Tyrone: a Feathered T-Rex. His neck and back were covered in a dark brown bristle like feathers, while the rest of his body was covered in more downy brown feathers and his eyes are gold.

Red: a Velociraptor. He has a red line marking on his back of his head and down to his tail, dark brown scales and red eyes.

Scar: a Velociraptor. He has copper brown scales and many scars on his body and has red eyes.

Talon: a Velociraptor. His talons were much sharper and slightly bigger than a regular Raptor, his scales were light brown with green on the tip of his tail and red eyes.

Uri: a Velociraptor. He has chocolate brown scales and red dots on his legs and red eyes.


Here are the dinosaurs so far. Don't worry, there will be more to come.

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