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July 4th, 2017 (Happy Fourth, Americans!)

  Ok, this isn't band related, but it's still funny. So, as you may know, I am currently on vacation in Pennsylvania right now. I am at my grandma's house.
  Well, I'm from down south (lived there all my life) so I've started to discover the differences in northern and southern accents. Now, it seems like Pennsylvanians add extra "R"s to their words (unlike what I hear about Bostoners, who don't use r, no offense).
  Like, I'll give you some examples. (Southern in italics, northern in bold).
This one is my personal favorite: When we say wash, they say wersh.
When we say gosh, they say gersh.

   When we say hammock (pronounced ham-ick in our world), they say hammock (pronounced Hamm-Ock to them).

  So, this is just some funny stuff that I've noticed. My grandma and I make fun of each other's accents all the time.
  My dad is from up north (my grandma's son, if you haven't guessed) and even though he's lived down south for over twenty years, the northern accent still creeps in from time to time.
  One time I was talking to him over the phone while he was at work and I told him that I washed my trumpet.
  "You LOST your trumpet!?" my dad exclaimed in confusion. 
  "No, Dad," I said. "I wershed it!" He got the message then XD.
   Also, our little outdoor picnic got rained out around ten, so most of the guests packed up and left. That's one way to get rid of the guests and get all the food 😂.
  Well, when we were getting stuff inside, my impatient little six-year-old cousin was like,"Cmon, we're not getting any older (I think he meant younger) over here!"
  My grandma was like,"Hush!" In a playful voice.

  Anyways, I hope I didn't offend anyone for making fun of the accents. I'm sorry if I did 😂. That's how my Fourth of July went. See ya!

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