School's Out

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   The lightsaber duel went well. I ended up getting a split lip from it, but it was still fun. We had five lightsabers to duel with, and I couldn't get my Anakin one to collapse until this morning (it's a blade builders).
   Also, some of the other beginner band members asked Spunky and I to take out the trash. So we had to walk across campus to the dumpsters. It took us about 10 minutes round trip. We took out lightsabers for protection. On the way back, I was trying to convince Spunky to let me in the trash can and have her pull me like I was in a chariot. We didn't do it, but it's on our bucket list XD.
  Our director also asked us to get the music folders out of the music lockers and throw away the binders of people who are gone. Well, I found one from a trumpet player who moved. I didn't realize that he had first trumpet on almost EVERY SONG! I took his binder home with me and have been practicing first parts of a lot of the songs.
   I can also hit the off the staff A, B, and C better by the day. I didn't sound too bad playing the high A at the end of first for Malagueña.
   So, I'm not sure how often I'll update this during the summer since I'm not officially having band. I'll try to keep up with it.


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