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  Okay, so I have some news. So, my dad had to go work on some metal on a building for his friend today. I tagged along. His friend is the owner of a car sales place. It kind of a small town family business.  
   Well, so anyways, they let me get on one of the office computers and do whatever. I did for a while and I also logged onto the WiFi and listened to music from the phone and plugged it into the computer. Well, after a while, the office-lady had to come in and check something on her computer. So, I stood up and was awkwardly stood there and gazed around. The owner has stuff that he collects lining the walls. He has stuff like various license plates, antique soda bottles, and other stuff. Well, I glanced up and over the wall separating the next room (the wall is open at the top) and I see a trombone hanging from the ceiling. I was thinking How could I have missed that!? I continue looking at it for a bit as an idea forms in my head.
   After the lady is done, she lets me back on the computer and I get on there until the owner and my dad come in for a break.
  When they do, I strike up conversation about the trombone. The owner can't really play it, but he can play a mean guitar, and his son can play a mandolin. He said that he got it at a yard sale for about $50 and hung it up for display.
   Well, FluffehDaCat has been through about 7 or 8 school rent trombones these last two years. All of them have had F-attachments. Most of them have been sent to the repair shop because the F-attachments kept rattling, causing the trombone to vibrate. It's a little late in the school year to get the trombone sent off to repairs with the director leaving and all, so she'll have to keep the rattling over the summer. Well, the one hanging from the ceiling doesn't have an F-attachment.
   So, I asked the boss if I could borrow the trombone for the summer after telling him about Fluffeh's situation. And....he agreed! So, we got it down from the ceiling and I washed the dust-coated mouthpiece off. I played a crappy scale on it from memory and it didn't sound all that bad. However, the spring on the spit valve is broken, but my dad just fixed a metal wall that got hit by a car, so he should be able to replace a spring 😂. Also, the slide doesn't want to screw on completely, but it won't fall off, either. It looks like it's been though the dust bowl. But it only has about one dent, so it's in pretty good condition. Anyways, if Fluffeh doesn't want it, I'll use it over the summer since I have a trombone book for beginners.
  Now I'm riding home with it on my lap.

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  We also stopped at Sonic after we left and the waitress legit did not notice the trombone 3/4 of my size sitting in my lap on the seat 😂

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  We also stopped at Sonic after we left and the waitress legit did not notice the trombone 3/4 of my size sitting in my lap on the seat 😂.
  I also met a guy that was watching the owner and son play guitar and mandolin who played trumpet, saxophone, and coronet. He said he likes trumpet better than coronet, though :) However, he hasn't played for a few years. I knew I should've brought my trumpet along with me today. Darn. Better luck next time, I guess.
  Anyways, I just wanted to talk about the trombone.

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