Honour stepped forward shyly. Tapping the door to test its strength, Honour pushed it slightly. It didn’t budge. Resting his shoulder against it, Honour attempted to push it harder. He was obviously straining with all of his might and yet it refused to seem even mildly uncomfortable.

I was anxious that we wouldn’t be able to get in. The door seemed to be made of some strange magical material. That or it had a spell cast on it. Maybe Griffin would be able to make a counter spell.

I watched in shock as Comet marched angrily past us all.

“Move it,” she ordered Honour. Turning to the door, Comet began speaking to it angrily. “Now you listen to me: I’m hungry, tired and one of my best friends is out there alone in the wild, probably lost and terrified, which is worrying me senseless. If you don’t open up right now I am chopping you down and hacking you apart.”

In my absolute amazement the door slowly swung open and an old face appeared around its side.

“Alright, alright, don’t do something I’ll regret,” the man muttered obviously annoyed.

“Thank you,” Comet nodded and stepped back, she’d done her part.

“What do you want anyway?” the man asked.

At this, Griffin stepped forward and knelt on the floor. This seemed hard with Willow on his back but he seemed to be stable.

“Mage of the mountain, I am Griffin from the Queen’s men here to seek your help,” I was amazed Griffin was being so gentlemanly; he didn’t seem great with authority.

The man seemed to think for a second before recognition dawned on his face, "oh, Griffin my boy. It's good to see you again. Why don't you all come in and settle down."

The Mage shuffled off into the room beyond the door. I assumed we were expected to follow him although no one was moving. With a sigh I made my way to the door and entered over the threshold. Inside was a quaint room with minimal furnishings. There was a nice rug, that seemed incredibly used, as did the one sofa and table. There seemed to be a doorway that led off to another single room- a bedroom perhaps. It reminded me of the Terran's homes.

I felt the others join me in the room and heard the door close. The Mage was currently sat on the single sofa, he seemed very frail and tired. His grey hair was nearly non-existent and his face was sagging in multiple places. He didn't seem like someone who was knowledgeable.

"Please make yourself comfortable," the Mage gestured to the surrounding floor.

Doing as we were told, I settled myself opposite the man. Waiting awkwardly, I was unsure who should speak first.

"Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but who are you?" I asked uncertainly.

The Mage chuckled sadly, "that's how it is, is it? I've been forgotten by the world."

"Not by everyone," Griffin commented. He had placed Willow on the rug with a blanket rolled under her head. She still seemed incredibly pale and her breath was short. I was worried about her.

"I suppose not, but you rebels are different," the man stated.

Griffin scowled. "Oh, yes Sorry: ’Queens’s men'," the man corrected himself sarcastically. "Firstly, as you are the visitors I think you should be the first to introduce themselves."

I thought this was quite reasonable. Stepping up, I moved to be next to the Mage.

"My name is Amethyst, it's nice to meet you," I curtsied, as it felt the right thing to do.

"I'm Comet," Comet put forward. I was worried that she still hadn't got over what had happened in the glade. She just didn't seem herself.

"Hi, I'm Honour," Honour had moved beside me and shook the Mage's hand. I smiled at him, grateful that he seemed to be acting normally.

"Great to meet all of you, my name is Michael," he smiled, which lit up his whole facing, making he look so much younger. "Now, may I ask why you are all here?"

"Well," I began, “we are searching for a medicine that should help my wings. So we visited Peregrine, the Soothsayer, and he gave us a book to help our journey. The only problem is... we can't read it."

"Perry hadn’t told me he didn't give you the code," Michael chuckled. "He is very cheeky sometimes."

"Hey, I heard that," a voice called from the other room.

I looked at Comet and Honour. We all seemed as shocked as each other.

I watched as Peregrine entered into the cavern. He held a staff in his hand that he swung around in an attempt to find anything in his way. Eventually he made his way over to me.

"Would you help a blind boy to sit down?" he inquired sincerely.

I guided him to the other spot on the sofa and sat by his feet. My eyes had already begun tearing up.

“I’m so sorry Perry,” I began, but he soon shushed me.

"Stop that," Perry ordered. He placed a hand on my cheek and stroked away a tear. "I see death every day. You can't tear up about one, no matter who it is."

I realised Perry must have already known what was going to happen to Melody. The poor boy.

I suddenly felt the sharp pain of a slap on my cheek. Perry was looking down at me angrily, "snap out of it Amy. We've got work to do.”


Hey readers! Long time no post. As with any normal person I've had loads of exams and coursework so I definitely won't be posting a lot. Its annoying.

Any way, what do you think of this chapter? As requested I've brought back Perry. Hope you're happy.

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