Fireworks(4th of July Special;))

Start from the beginning

"A-Axl y-yelled at me!" Steven cried into Duff's chest. 

"Shhh, it's okay Fluff." Duff comforted, stroking Steven's puffy hair. "Axl's just a bitch." 

"I AM NOT!" Axl shouted, throwing some sparklers onto the ground. "HE'S THE ONE THAT ISN'T ORGANIZING THIS STUFF AND-"

"Woah woah woah, sugar." Duff sat down and set Steven on his nude lap. "Yo, Slash. Doesn't Axl seem a little HOTheaded?"

Slash turned to Duff, smirking.

"Why yes, yes he does."

The curly haired man walked up to Axl with an evil grin, leaning down and picking up the angered man.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Axl screeched, flailing his arms in the air, throwing a hissyfit. 

"Just trying to cool you off, hot stuff." Slash smirked, walking up to the edge of the pool. Axl's eyes widened.

"Oh, hell no, Slash!" Axl whined as he became aware of what was happening. 

"Bye, bye!" Slash grinned, throwing Axl into the pool with a huge splash. Axl screamed as he hit the water, his clothes sticking to his body. His head emerged to the surface and he gasped, absolutely pissed.

"You son of a BITCH!" Axl whined, looking down at his soaking wet body. "I'm all wet now!"

"Is it because you saw me? I have a tendency of making people wet." Slash asked in a cocky voice, wiggling his eyebrows at his angered friend.

"DINNER TIME, ASSHOLES!!" Izzy shouted, hitting a cooking utensil against the grill to create a makeshift bell. "Also, Duff, put some damn pants on."

"No way, fam." Duff smirked, showing off his cock. "I like to be free."

Steven giggled and blushed, holding onto Duff's hand, eyeing the taller mans dick.

"Ew you two, get a room." Izzy wrinkled his nose and flipped burgers onto paties. "Also, why is Axl sopping wet?"

"Because I turn him on." Slash smirked and walked up to give the pissed off man a hug as he got out of the pool. Axl growled.

"Fuck you, Slash." 

"Maybe later."

"Why is everyone so goddamn GAY HERE?!" Izzy whined. "I'm the only one without a lover, dammit!"

"You can join us and have a threesome." Duff smirked, wiggling his eyes and draping an arm around Steven.

"Hell no! Your dick is small."

"Can we stop talking about dicks and fucking and just eaT ALREADY?!" Axl snapped, drying off his hair with a towel.

The boys ate and ran from bees for a while, until it started to get dark.

Duff, still goddamn naked, set out a ton of blankets in the backyard. The 5 rockers all settled down on the blankets.

"I WANT A SPARKLERRR!" Duff screamed at Axl, who contained the box full of them. Axl scoffed and handed the way too excited man a sparkler. Slash threw a lighter at Duff who caught is, surprisingly, and lit the fuse at the top. 

It sparked and burst into little glowing fire bits, spraying out and fizzling on the ground. Duff looked at it mesmerized and Steven shrunk away, trying to protect his flammable hair.

"Write your name or somethin'." Slash contributed, lighting a cigarette and taking a large puff, blowing it on a still angry Axl Rose.

"That's not your name, that's a goddamn dick!" Izzy snorted as Duff smirked and drew the outline of a dick in the air.

"I mean, he is one though." Axl grumbled.

"And he sucks it." Slash added.

"Yeah, Steven's."

"Hey! Shut up!" Steven's face was red and he curled up in a blanket, hiding his blushing face.

"And he likes it."

"I'm gonna shove a firecracker up your ass!" Steven threatened from under his mini blanket fort.

"Yeah, I bet Slash would like that." Axl smirked, "He's into that kinky stuff."

"Yeah, with you!"

"OHHHH BURNNNNN!" Duff shouted, frowning as his sparkler went out.

"Shut the fuck up, asshole! You aren't even in this conversation!" 

"Will you all please shut up! The fireworks are starting to show!" Izzy grumbled, laying on his back on the blanket and gazing at the black sky.

Steven and Duff cuddled up and Slash grabbed onto Axl, pulling him on top of his chest.

"I'm still mad at you, get your hands off me." Axl grunted, flopping off the man's chest and next to Izzy.

"Sureeee." Slash rolled his eyes and turned to his side, spooning Axl and watching the fireworks.

"I think there's a bug on my dick." Duff whispered.

"No, that's just my hand." Steven whispered back.

"Oh, thank god-waIT WHAT."


"Axl, your tummy is soft."

"ShUt uP."

"Can someone please suck my dick??"


"Stop getting triggered, Izzy."


"Why the fuck am I friends with any of you."




HA so this wasn't really a shipping thing but hEY I wanted to do something funny and cute and I was like HEYYYYYY IMAGINE GNR'S CELEBRATING FOURTH OF JULYYYY???

So there you go.

aLsOOOoooooOOOOoooOOOo I wanted to say thank you so much for 1.1K READS?!?!? LIKE WOAH?!!?!1111

I love you all so much

OKAY some personal talk down here ⬇️

SOOO for the past year I've been struggling a lot with masturbating ALL THE FUCKING TIME! It got so bad to the point that I've skipped things with friends, just so I could masturbate. Now you might be wondering... bUt yOu WrItE pOrN?!?!? Yeah well the main reason I masterbated was because I was bored as shit, but writing these oneshots have kept me busy, to the point where I DON'T watch porn anymore and I DON'T masturbate. So all in all, these oneshots are saving me from a lot of guilt and helping me break that addiction, so all the support on here and all the stars and all the gosh dang coMmEntS are really helping me and encouraging me not to fall into the bad habits again. Just wanted to share that. Now if YOU are dealing with this tALK TO ME, DAMMIT! I CAN HELP YOU BABES!!

Thank you, my friends.

Thank you, my friends

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a cute steven ⬆️


~MUNK 🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆

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