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Clyde ran, his eyes searching for his boss. Karl was talking to a newly joined assassin, welcoming the worried boy in the corridor.
Clyde stopped infront of Karl, panting, trying to catch his breath. He looked at Karl dead in the eye, with his dark orbs.

"She's charming in her own special, subtle, way. Her insanity....makes her more attractive. Her way of words, the way she tortures her victims before killing them never ceases to amaze me. Her manipulation fascinates me." He swallowed hard and straightened his back.
"She's cruel. She's evil. I hate that. It sickens me. Despite that....I can't help it. It's hard for me to wake up, knowing that she's gone, because of me." Clyde said.
" I do.....regret it.... sir." He breathed out. And for the first time, his usually blank eyes, were moist.

Karl slowly smiled. "That's all I wanted to hear, Clyde." He walked away, leaving the assassin alone, with his thoughts.

Clyde leaned onto the wall, and and slowly sat down, using the wall as support. He put his head in his hands, taking a shaky breath.
He went back all the way to the start, the moments they had together.
The countless times he was sick of her and her doings.
And the countless times he smiled on the inside because of her and her doings.


5 months later

He doubled over and fell. He looked up, trying to drag himself away from her. His legs, they couldn't work anymore. She paralyzed them.

"H-how did you find me?!" He screamed, tears blurring his vision.
"Hm? Oh, that? I just visited your house and asked your daughter. She's a sweet heart."

He tried to muffle his sobs.  Rebecca....his poor Rebecca. Why did his daughter have to meet this monster?

"Why are you doing this?"

"It's not like I have a grudge or something against you darlin', I was asked to kill you, and I'm being payed for it, as simple as that."

"Why do you have to hurt me? Just kill me already!"

She leaned down to his eye level. " Why do I have to hurt you...? Then again, why can't I?" She whispered.

He gripped his hair, pulling it out, crying out loud. "Y-you're like this monster under my bed!" He sobbed. The weeks of torture he went through...oh god...
Her brows shot up on surprise. "Oh no, haven't you heard? Monsters don't sleep under your bed." She then leaned closer. "They sleep in your head."

Her burner phone vibrated in her pocket.
"Ah hello miss! Did you find daddy?" His daughter's voice rung on the other line.
"I told you to call me Azalea didn't I?"
Her innocent self giggled. The paralyzed legged father's breath hitched in his throat. No, please let it not be his little Rebecca.

"Miss Azalea, have you met daddy?"

"Yes I did, in fact, I'm talking to him right now."


"Yes, really hun. Thanks a tonn. Where would I be without you?"

She loved talking to this sweet lady. She wished she could meet her again.

"Did you talk to him about the vacation?"

"I did, I did. Would you like me to put him on the line?"

"Yes please!"

Azalea tossed the phone at his feet. "Rebbi wants to talk to you."
He tried to reach for the phone immediately. But no, he couldn't.

"Brian, start the fire." She said into her ear piece. Seconds later a loud boom was heard, and the whole cabin was in flames of orange, yellow and red. Beautiful.

"Daddy?" A voice squeaked from the phone.

He covered his mouth to stop himself from shouting out to her. She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve all this misery.

"Daddy? Are you okay? What's wrong...? I heard something..."

Why???? Why was she doing this? This is the worst way he could ever die. The flames danced towards him, the heat growing closer.

"Y-you!! You will die! Villains....they always die in the end!" He called out to her, before she could leave.

She was quite for a while....or so he thought...until he saw her body shaking. Shaking with laughter.

She threw her head back, laughing louder. "Oh, do they?"
Her stunning grey eyes were dark, yet bright. "I guess I'll have to go against fate then."

"Daddy? What's wrong!? I heard you!" Her voice cried desperately, to the burning body, turning into ashes. Her father, burning into ashes.

She passed Brian the drink, both of them sitting on the rooftop.

"Way to go Brian! I knew you were great ever since I met you at the tests."

"Thanks." He muttered softly.

He just typed away in his cool looking laptop with buttons which she had no idea what the hell for.

"Ah, Azalea. Another request came up."

The end.

Yeah...it wasn't really a great story...but atleast I tried.
Thank you for reading!!
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