Chapter 17

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That's just who she is he realised. That's who she is and no one can change it. For now, he will have to accept her cruelty. They were driving to the address the now dead con artists worked so hard to find. It surely was a hard task to find a person who has written an anonymous letter to the police. Thankfully, they were skilled enough and made things simpler for these assassins.
They'll probably go to the man behind the letters later because for now, they were hungry.

That's when there was a crowd and cars with sirens blocking the road. Well, probably lunch later too.

"What's all that fuss about?" Azalea questioned, stopping the car, looking up at the building. "Looks like that officer is there too, the one who hired us." They got down and walked up the stairs. Curious and concerned or probably just bored neighbours surrounded the door which was off limits indicated by the yellow tapes.
"Oh Clyde, Azalea, what brings you here." The officer asked, taking off his gloves.

"We're here to see what happened." Clyde answered, unconsciously trying to peek in behind him.

"It's alright it's not really related to the case you are working on."

"We insist." She walked past him not waiting for an answer, Clyde followed suit.

The forensic team was already there. Clyde bent down looking at the body. "What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing much. Aged 24 estimated death around 10:30. Suicide by hanging. We got to know he was at the previous crime scene during the crime, we also made him a suspect. But turns out he was just a witness. Witnessing the murder and being suspected for it must've been too much for the poor lad." The officer sighed, crossing his arms.

"He was a witness? As in, he saw the murderer?"

He nodded.

"Are you sure it was suicide?"

"There was a rope hanging too. The case is closed now anyways. You may leave."

Clyde looked at the corpse's neck. "Look at the imprint. Normally when one hangs themselves, a V mark is formed. But look at this, the rope looks like it's being held from the back, forming a U. More like someone choked him and made it look like suicide."

"Look stop making it look like a movie, we have enough evidence and the case is closed. Leave."

"Either way, get an autopsy done as soon as possible. This could be related to the serial murder."

"I just told you-"

" Do you want the case solved or not? We can back out any moment." Azalea asked, more like threatened.


"So what you're saying is the culprit probably saw him witness the murder, and came back to kill him."

"It's just a possibility. No evidence except for the fact that he definitely didn't hang himself."

"Why aren't there any surveillance cameras around this street? It would just make things ten times easier."

Clyde couldn't help a slight smile. "That's not something an Assassin would usually say." She laughed at that. "You're right."

They reached the house where the man who supposedly wrote the letters lived. "Excuse me, who lives here?"
"Mr.Stevan? He's out at the moment. He went to the convenience store two blocks away. You can wait till he comes back."
"Ah, it's fine. Thank you."

"Thank you sir, please come again. Before you leave, can you fill in the feedback form?" He nodded smiling. He had a good reputation around the neighborhood after all. He was known to be quite a gentleman.

"Your handwriting looks really familiar doesn't it? Just like the letter."
His breath hitched in his throat at what he heard. His heart quickened pace as it beat twice as loud. He could feel it in his ears. His gripped the pen tighter in attempt to put his trembling fingers in control. He didn't want to turn around. He didn't want to face what was about to come next. That bastard promised that there was no way he'd be caught. He slowly lifted his gaze to the cashier infront of him, who was looking at the sudden intruder I'm confusion. 'I'm sorry' he told her in his head.
He pulled out his pocket knife and flicked it open, putting it right infront of the tender skin of the cashier, her eyes immediately enlarging, filled with fear. She clasped her mouth shut, forcing her cries of help to go silent.

"Leave now. Leave me alone and never come back. Otherwise I'll kill her!" He threatened, using the poor cashier as hostage. Azalea smirked.
"Oh trust me darlin' I really, really don't care."

Clyde's​ brows tightened at that. "Azalea, stop." He warned.

"I'll really kill her!" The man said again, adjusting his grip on the knife. The cashier couldn't help but whimper.

"I was going to kill her later anyways. You would just be doing me a favour."

"Azalea I said stop." Clyde repeated.

She walked closer to the trembling, but acting brave man.

"I said stay away!"

"Go ahead. Kill her." She urged him.

"Azalea stop. She has nothing to do with this. Leave her alone. She's innocent." Clyde tried again. Azalea just completely ignored him.

She stopped infront of the trembling pair, one who looked wild and hysterical, and one who looked like she was about to faint out of fear any moment. "Do you want me to help you?" She asked, putting her hand on top of the man's weak grip on the knife. She looked like she was hovering on top of him. He couldn't even say a word anymore. He couldn't find his strength, nor his voice to push her away.

"You're going too far." Clyde hissed.

"Want me to help you?" Azalea asked the man again. This time, smiling, a taunting look trapped in her eyes.

Clyde closed his eyes shut and sucked in a sharp breath. He turned around and walked out the glass doors. He couldn't stay in there any longer.

She pushed the dangerous metal into her neck as a thin line of red dipped down the poor cashier's neck, as she closed her eyes letting the tears fall. The man panicked. He tried pulling his hand away but it was locked with the knife in the deadly grip of Azalea's hand.
The cashier whimpered. What did she do to deserve it? What the hell did she do so wrong to be working in this place that would be the cause of her death?
Azalea looked intently into the man's eyes, which were begging, pleading her to stop.

"I only wrote the letters.....I- I promise!" He screamed in panic. Ofcourse she figured that out, he didn't seem like the type to kill.

"I was only asked to write whatever was written on a paper at the address I received in my phone! Later I had to burn the original letters and send the ones I wrote to the police anonymously! I was receiving a huge amount of money is all! I didn't know I was working for a murderer! I didn't even know anyone was going to get killed! Trust me!"

She replied with a sinister smile.

Then she pushed his hand harder, deepening the cut. The woman dropped down, dead.
She gasped in mock shock. "Oh no, you killed her." Azalea looked at his face, which turned into one of pure horror. The man stared at the blood on his hands as the knife clattered on the floor.
He killed her.
Oh lord, he killed her.
With his own hands.

Atleast he was alive.
Thank the heavens or whatever was up there, he was alive. Maybe he had to sacrifice one's life for his, but right now, he didn't care. All that mattered was that he was alive.

Azalea stood straight back up, a satisfied look painted on her features. "Mind showing me the address?" Without wasting a second he immediately pulled out his phone and put it in her hands.

"Thank you, darlin'." With that she walked out the doors, leaving two bodies with gushing bloody wounds on their neck.

She called up a team which was the best at covering tracks. "I need you to clean up a mess I made here."

Azalea [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now