Chapter 14

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When he found an entrance, he hit her straight on the jaw as she staggered back, her hand immediately cupping it. She looked startled for a moment, then she slowly smiled.

"Oh, you wanna play? Let's play."
She moved too fast for him to see. Before he knew it, he was lying on the floor, with a throbbing shoulder.
She hit him again as he tasted blood. She grabbed his head, her fingers digging into his scalp, and lifted him. She slammed her hand into his chest as he was forced to hit the wall. He winced out in pain. The pain rippled across his chest.
Then she hit him again, and again, giving him no time to recover.

Did he regret this? Not really. He liked it.

He caught her arm before it could give him another painful blow. She tried to yank it away, but he wouldn't budge. He twisted her arm, forcing her to turn around. He kneed her to the ground and arm locked her.

"This is getting interesting." She released herself from his strong grip laughing. He got up, facing her. She spit the blood out of her mouth and looked at him. Both of them seemed unfazed by the amount of painful blows they've given each other.
She whizzed around to kick him as he blocked it. And they went on and on.
After a while, it was like they were perfectly synchronised. It looked as if they practiced this fight. He knew what move she was going to make, and she knew what move he was going to make.

She quickened her pace. And so did he. She hit him harder. So did he. For someone else who was watching it may have been too fast to follow along, but they would definitely say they were in synch.

"This is getting nowhere." She dodged his attack and gifted him one back.
Clyde charged at her, quickening the pace of the already fast fight.
"Boss is calling for you." Someone interrupted them.
Azalea hissed and abruptly came to a stop. "This isn't over." She told him, pulling off her band to free her tied up hair as she walked out the door.
He slicked his black hair back, using a towel to wipe his face.

"Yo Karl, you called for us?" Azalea sang walking into his room without knocking.
Clyde slightly bowed to his boss in respect.
"Hello Clyde. How have you been?"

"Fine, sir."

"What? Am I being ignored or something?" She asked.

"I'm glad you came here Clyde. I'm assuming your first week here has been good?"

"Yes sir."

"Am I useless now that you have Clyde?"

"No, Azalea. In fact, we decided in the meeting that you will be taking the new mission-"

"Ah~ finally it's been quite a while, I was bored!"

Carson burst in through the door, clumsily dressed and panting. "Sorry I'm late. I just got back."

Azalea tilted her head back to look at him. "Newbie, been a while darlin'."
He looked at her, shocked. He had been out on a mission with another group for a while and just got back. So she made it through. She passed all the tests.


"That's my name alright. Looks like you missed me." She winked. He would be lying if he said he didn't.

"So Carson, your mission went well as I heard? Ask Brandon to send me a report as soon as it's done."

"Yes sir."

"Now that Azalea is back you can continue your usual missions with her as a team. Oh, and you probably don't know, this is Clyde. You will be working with him from now on."
That was when he noticed the black haired guy with flawless skin and piercing brown eyes, with an expressionless look on his face.
So this was the 'hot new assassin' everyone was talking about? In his team? It wasn't just him and Azalea anymore?
Yes, once upon a time he hated her. He hated her egoistic, cocky, 'I'm better than you' behaviour. But when she had gone for the tests it was too quite. Boring. Lonely.
The missions he helped the other teams with were boring. Nothing extraordinary​ to expect.

"Now that you all are here, let me explain your new mission. There has been a serial murder case. The special investigation team from the police are currently working on it. This time, an officer is the one who's paying us."

"A police officer? To an assassination group?! What's he thinking?"

"Well, yes. He wants us to solve the case for him, because the police are going nowhere, and he wants to take the credit of solving the case after we solve it. He is paying us quite the money, and I want you to take care of it. He wants to pay the assassins who solved his case quite a lot to show his gratitude."

"Wouldn't it be better if we investigated as police?" Clyde suggested.
Karl nodded. "Alright. I'll prepare fake ID's for the three of you."


They walked into the crime scene flashing their ID's at the people gaurding the area. They slipped beneath the yellow tape to take a look at the body. It was the sixth killing according to the police. They looked around for a while.

"Look for that damn officer who asked for us." She said into her earpiece.
"You see the officer who just entered? That's him." She heard Carson's voice, who was sitting in the van. She looked at the Buffy man to whom everyone was greeting in respect. She let out a little laugh. "If only you guys knew what kind of 'respected officer' he actually is."

She gesterud her head towards the guy as Clyde nodded in understanding. He tapped him on the shoulder. "Sir, may I have a word word with you?" He looked at Clyde in confusion, then his eyes lit up as he understood, and eagerly excused himself from the others, following the both of them.
"You both are.... them right?"
Clyde simply nodded.
He breathed out in relief and smiled at the two assassins. "I've been waiting for you. I heard you both were one of the best."

Azalea clicked her tounge in annoyance. Oh dear, he's making her so annoyed that she might wanna play with him.
She slung an arm over Clyde and grinned at the officer. "Oh~ we sure are. The best of the best."

"Unlike you." Clyde added. She just nodded agreeing with him.
He pretended not to hear and just went on with his rambling. "I'm really glad you both came as soon as possible. I've been waiting for you. Now, about this serial murderer-"

"How do you know it's a serial murder? Why did you think that? Can't they be just completely unrelated cases?" Clyde cut him off.

The startled officer lowered his voice, and spoke just above a whisper. "Oh that, well, we recieved letters."


"Yes. I'll send you a copy if you want me to."


"What seems to be the motive of the murder?" Azalea questioned.

He let out an amused laugh. "Motive? Motive for serial murders? There is no such thing. They are just psychotic monsters who want to kill without reason."

"Oh darlin, even the most psychotic people have their reasons, they may be slightly different from what you'd expect, but there's definitely a reason."

He sighed and set the letters down. "Is it like he's taunting them? Challenging them?" Clyde guessed.
"Not sure." She murmured, deep in thought.

Carson rushed in, sitting beside her. He handed Azalea his laptop, showing her the files he collected. "I did what you asked me to. Will these guys work? They're both heads of small organisations."
She scanned through them and slowly smiled to herself. "Let's get started shall we?"

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