Chapter 2

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"Unbelievable..." the newbie, aka Carson said.

"She made it seem like suicide, she even left the money bag with him which made the police think that he killed himself because he couldn't bear the pressure. She killed him without any weapon."

"Carson, we've been working with Azalea since years, this is nothing amazing. She did use a weapon."

"What do you mean she used a weapon?"

"Her words, they are a weapon. Anyways, I have to do some research on Caihong Lee, later"

Carson nodded and watched as the girl responsible for making profiles walk away.  Apparently, the name 'Azalea' was quite infamous. Everybody knew the name and feared it but no one knew how she looked like. Still, he wasn't sure, why did everyone bow down at the sound of her name?

Yes, it was amazing, the way she killed him without even doing anything, but he just didn't want to accept it yet. That a self-centered, proud girl like her was the best assassin. The way she talked to him pissed him off, and to think that everyone respected her, even more annoying.

"Carson." He turned and looked at the boss.

"We have another task, a pretty decent one, but you'll need a partner for this"

"I see, who is my partner then, sir?"



"I can't believe I'm sitting in the same van as you." He huffed. He wished it to be anyone. Anyone but her.

"Listen up newbie, I can do this on my own. You're more of a burden, so why don't you sit still and look pretty while I wrap things up and come back." She said.

Oh, and that infuriated him more.

"First, stop calling me Newbie, Second, I've been assigned a task and I have to do it even if it's with the most annoying person.Third, You have too much of an ego that it's filling up this van."

She just chuckled and winked at him, jumping off the van.

"What's with you!" he screamed. She was so confident that he couldn't stand it. He normally wouldn't say this but, he loathed her.

"Are you sure this is the right place, newbie?"

"Are you doubting my skills?"

"Of course, that's why I'm confirming." She said looking around the club.

"What were we supposed to do again?" she asked.  He scoffed. "We needed to get the information about the location of where the cure for some deadly disease is hidden. He said a man called John Fitzgerald would know, and you know what has to be done with him."

They both entered the club, trying to not look suspicious. Well, Carson was trying not to look suspicious. Azalea didn't give a shit. She seemed natural anyway.


"So what?"

"Where is he? This Jonny Fitzged guy."

"John Fitzgerald, and I don't know what he looks like"

"Then what are you doing? Do your computer typing thing and find out! What did you even come here for? I told you, you were a burden. I'll figure out myself then, my way."

"No, wait, I can do it, it's much safer. But I need an hour"

"An hour? The clubs closing in 30 minutes darling. Oh well, I'll go buy you some time."

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