Chapter 15

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"You both are con artists aren't you? Surely it's an easy task."

"What makes you think we'll do it? We're con artists, not private investigators." Richard rejected. Meadow stayed quiet, not denying it.

Azalea nodded. "Yes, true. But con artists have the sort of connections we need for this."

"And you will  recieve similar amount of money as you get all the time." Clyde added. She smiled when she saw the spark in their eyes. Ah, they were convinced already, just playing hard to get it.

"You have no reason to refuse. It's a win win situation. You see, we desperately need your help."
She placed two bags in the garage. "You can take this. One bag for the each of you divided equally. I'll be leaving it here. So once you find out the person behind these letters, you may take it. We'll leave it right here."

"Alright....we'll do it."
Oh dear, they were too easy. Hungry for money is all. So very hungry.

A day later Richard was asked to meet with the assassins. When he entered he noticed both the assassins wernt there, neither was Meadow. Only the girl, Azalea.

" Oh hello Richy. How's the search going?"

He scoffed. " You can't expect us to get somewhere in just a day. It's really difficult y'know?" She nodded faking an impressed expression. "I knew we could rely on you."

"Did you ask to meet me just for that?"

"Oh no darlin'."

"Where's Meadow? I'll call her if you want me to..." He mumbled, pulling out his phone in the process.

"No! No...." He looked up at her startled, and completely confused.

"I wanted to talk to you....alone."

His brows knitted in confused. Alone? He thought that other con artist Meadow and him had to work on this together to make things easier.
"You see...after you complete this and get the information, why don't you...kill Meadow?"

"What??!! Are you insane?" He panicked, looking around with saucer like eyes.

"Think about it. If you kill her, all the money will be yours." She whispered, staring at him intently.

He swallowed hard at her words..

"You can have all of it, all of it to yourself you don't have to share it with her."

"B-but why? Why are you helping me? What's it to you?"

She tilted her head back, letting out a laugh.

"Oh darling no, I won't help you unless there's something in for me too. It's just something to convince you to do it for me. You see, assassins need less witness as possible. Having two of you would be a problem. More chances of being caught. And we don't really trust Meadow. Since both of us have something from this...what do you say? Kill her and take all the money yourself? Nothing wrong now is it?"

Her voice was sweet and soothing. It felt so, oh god so reassuring. He couldn't help it. Like he was hearing soothing melodies of a harp, asking him to do these wrongdoings, but the sweet melody didn't make it feel wrong at all.

He couldn't escape Azalea now could he? He should've known the consequences when he agreed to help her.

"Alright. I don't see why not."

She slowly, lifted her lips, revealing her pearly teeth. Her eyes dark, looking down on him. "Now that's a good boy." She whispered.

Now this good boy will have to fulfill Azalea's little wish now, doesn't he?

"So what do say Meadow? Are you willing to kill Richard? You get what you want and so do we. We don't really trust Richard completely."

She nodded. "If you are that desperate for a witness to be killed, I don't really lose anything. You can count on me."

"Thank you"

Oh dear what have they gotten themselves into?

"We really risked things to do this. It was extremely hard." Meadow warned.

"That's right. It used up a lot of time and resources. You better be thankful." Richard added.

"Ah of course. I told you where the money is, didn't I?" They nodded, handing her the file full of the results of their hard work.

Meadow slowly turned to Richard, she shakily held out her hand, which went by unnoticed. "It was nice working with you."

"I can say the same." He replied, taking her hand.
And their little moment went by just like it came. Both of them pulled out their guns and pointed it at each other's heads, as brief confusion flashed in their eyes.
But instinct took over.
Before either of them could understand what was going on, two loud bangs were heard, followed by thuds of bodies dropping to the floor.
They killed each other. Just like that.

It wasn't less witnesses as possible they wanted was it? It was no witnesses at all.

Azalea smiled. "Oh dear that was easier than I thought it would be."
Clyde just sighed in response as he put the file inside.
They walked out the shed as Clyde took out the lighter. "So we have to just burn the house?"
She nodded. "Burn the house and make it looks like an accidental fire. No one will know the two of them died."
He had no say in this did he? It was not like he could do anything anyways.
Clyde bent down, preparing for the fire as he noticed her lost in thoughts.
"What's wrong?"
She shook her head dismissing her thoughts and looked away into the depths of the forests.

"Wait." She stopped him, before he could do anything. She rushed to the door recieving a confused glance from him. She forced the door open.
"I knew it." She hissed in frustration, staring at the now empty place. Clyde rushed behind her, surprised at how the supposedly dead bodies were nowhere to be found.

"They tricked us." He mused.

"Either of them must've accidentally found out and told the other. They probably figured out we were planning to get both of them killed. No, not probably, that's what definetely happened."

"They're heading for the money aren't they?"

Azalea licked her lips and smiled her signature smile. "Aw Richy wants to play with me? He sure is making things fun."

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