Chapter 21

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Typical, was the best.
Black cap and black hoodie.

He let out a breath, the cold atmosphere showing the path of the air let out. He gripped the knife multiple times to check the most comfortable position. The knife was made for him. It fit perfectly in his hands. Like his empty life now felt complete. The last missing puzzle piece was now where it was supposed to be.

Yes, he was mocking the police. Yes, he was making history repeat itself. Yes, he was imitating the X murderer. But he preferred the term, inspired, if that was applicable.
He couldn't help but snicker. The police were probably completely lost. They probably hadn't even figured out how to catch him. Not even a clue.
His moves so far had been flawless, traceless, and of course, pitiless.
In one word, a perfect murder. Probably even better than the original ones.
How did he choose his target? Simple, whoever's fate was bad enough to walk into the alley he was in. He didn't go to his victims, his victims came to him.

Speak of the devil, or rather, speak of the poor victim if such a phrase exists, the chosen person waked in, busy on his phone.
Oh, tough luck huh?
Imposter X straightened his back, excited for the events that would occur in the next few seconds. He brisk walked towards the oblivious teenager with his head down.  He walked faster towards his target, pulling out the knife he kept in his hoodie's pocket.
She was going to die.
She was going to die.
She was going to die NOW!

Or so he thought.
He jerked forward before he could reach her. The air knocked out of his lungs and his head was spinning, like a somehow sick Kaleidoscope. He felt his back, where the sudden, awful pain hit him. As his trembling, blood-soaked fingers came to view, he didn't know what to expect.

Around 3000 metres away, on a terrace, she smiled. "Gotcha." Azalea whispered, lifting her head from the scope.

19 hours ago

"Hello?" Clyde said into the phone.
"You were right. There was a body. The missing CEO, Mr.Grayson. he was killed. His body was found in the manhole. I'll send you the address. I should've trusted you bo-."

He sighed and cut the call. He didn't have time for his shit ass ramble.

He got back to his conversation with Azalea. "All of the killings were done in around this area." He pointed. "He seems to be choosing only isolated alleys, and his killings seem to be around 10:30 to 2:00 pm. His killing spots seem to be random but..."

"But?" She urged.

"Like I said before, I feel like he's mocking the police."

"What does that have to do with this?"

"To be exact, he's thinking they're dumb."

"Which they are. What are you getting at?"

"I asked Carson to tell me the exact locations of the crime scenes. I've marked them, and they seem to be making a pattern. The spots were chosen at a random order, making it less obvious. All these spots, make an 'X'."

Azalea couldn't help but burst out laughing at his absurd theory.

" All of them are spaced evenly. And there are two killings left. And in this pattern, there are two spots left. There is an isolated alley in both these two areas. And assuming he is doing exactly as the X murderer, he has two murders left."

The theory felt stupid. The theory felt too cinimatic. Too hilarious.

"I think it's safe to say tomorrow's murder is in either of these alleys."

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