Epilogue (PJ)

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=PJ's POV=

The rest of the school year flew by, with Senor spirit week, our senior class trip (New York, how original), senor skip day...which we spent all day down at La Push Beach, Prom where Jessa looked stunning in a tight gray number, and just hanging out...so many pictures were taken, so many memories made...it was hands down the best year of my life.

"PJ..." my mom yelled up at me from downstairs. "Hurry up or you're going to be late."

I looked at my reflection and fidgeted with my tie a little, I didn't even understand why I had to wear a tie and get dressed up...no one would be able to see my outfit anyways.

With a final once over, I took a deep breath and collected the maroon cap and gown.

The day had finally come, Graduation.

A huge part of my life had been spent in school and I had finally come to a decision about what I was going to do.

You see with these new Wolf responsibilities I knew I needed to stay close to home now, and with a newly found mate (who still hadn't shifted)...I wanted to stay close to home now.

Now don't get me wrong, while I have some shit figured out...I still don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life...but I guess that's the great thing about being 18, you don't have to have it all figured out yet.

I knew I needed to go to school, and with a mate not only beautiful but brilliant as well, Jessa was accepted into the University of Washington, early admission and everything.

Which was great for me because I was worried she'd end up out of state. I absoluetly encouraged her to go regardless...but I worried everyday about her shifting alone, and selfishly, I missed her like hell.

So with her still relatively close I also decided to enter into an undergrad school up in Seattle, I'll take my basics for now and look more into the career options available to me over time.

We reached the Cullen house and I found all of my cousins already there and I pulled on my gown before my mom fussed with my hair and complained that it would ruin the picture, to which I simply put on the cap to cover my messy hair and it seemed to calm her down.

Of course my graduating was a big deal for mom, and I noticed she was a nervous wreck all week, I knew she was only nervous cause she was refusing to get emotional. No doubt she'd be a mess at the graduation ceremony.

We took more than enough pictures from every angle possible before we finally left with our parents and family members to the venue.

Once we got there our Assistant principal made sure everyone had their caps and gowns on and lined us all up before trying to scare us one last time.

"You throw those caps and I'll see to it that you don't get your diplomas." She hissed before she stalked away.

"Is that true Chase asked me a little worried as he tugged on his cap a little as he looked up ahead in the line at Brandon (who'd also turned a little worried to look at Chase).

I shook my head, "Nah, they mail out the diplomas...probably already have, but still...they can't just keep our diplomas from us if we've earned them."

He smiled a relieved sort of smile and held a thumbs up to Brandon.

I didn't even bother asking what they had planned.

We walked in and took our seats in the order we'd be called, if I was being honest I was a little nervous now.

I looked more than a few rows ahead and saw Sara sitting two rows in front of Sean and then a few seats down from him was Masen.

I thought back to the year we had.

We didn't end up going to play state in Football, but we had a kick ass year and made a lot of memories. Masen had arrived in town with his family, definitely stirred some shit up, but turns out...it was for the better.

Now we turn into wolves from time to time, but the upside...I got an amazing Imprint out of it, and so had Sara and most surprisingly was Brandon.

Brandon found his Imprint when visiting his mom's side of the family, he went over to visit his Aunt and she just so happened to call up a baby sitter to watch her newborn while She and Brandon went out to eat, low and behold she walked in and he knew instantly that he was made to be with her forever.

Then of course Aunt Leah had found her imprint beforehand...they're engaged and I don't expect her to have a very long engagement. As mom says, "Leah's waited this long...why wait any longer?"

I looked up at the bleachers and saw my parents sitting next to my Aunts and Uncles...Uncle Jacob had his phone out no doubt to film for any family who couldn't make it out.

Before we knew it the Mayor of Forks walked onto the stage and began talking and the ceremony began.

I sat back and watched as they called the names of people I'd known pretty much my whole life, then they called Sara's name and I cheered loudly in my seat along with the others as we All watched Sara walk the stage.

She looked nervous but shook the mayor's hand and he handed her a rolled up parchment, she moved her tassel from one side to he other like we had all practiced then she smiled for her picture, waved to the stands before smiling down at her imprint who would no doubt be looking on proudly at her.

On and on they went, and everyone was slowly called.

"Sean Harry Clearwater."


"Masen Charles Cullen."


"Brandon Ateara Fuller."

Name after name I listened as each one of my cousins and newest friend was called.

Finally it was my rows turn to stand.

As I stood waiting next to the stage in front of Chase I fidgeted in the Maroon gown.

"I can't believe we're finally graduating." Chase stated with a sigh. "It seems like it took so long to get here...now what?"

"I know what you mean."

"So have you decided if your gonna leave Forks?" He asked.

I smiled, "Nah, I'm gonna stick around, I enrolled into a college close by, now that I have the pack and Jessa there is no reason for me to leave town."

And it was true...after I had, had that conversation about pack leaders I approached my Uncle Jacob and cousin Sara.

You see I may have been the first to shift, but like Mister Cameron had filled me in, Sara was the rightful pack leader by blood. Sara thought it through carefully then finally decided to turn down the leader position, because she knew eventually she would have to leave with her imprint and his family.

So I became the newest pack leader, with Sean as my second.

Chase nodded "I've been thinking about going away...just for the summer to see how I do...maybe luck out and meet my mate?"

I gave him a pat on the back and told him the same thing I told Sean last week, "Your imprint is out there...so don't try and rush to find them, when it's time, they'll find you and the wait will have been all worth it...so focus on becoming the best version of yourself so you're worth them when they find you."

"Paul Lahote Junior."

"You're up man." He said. "Don't trip!" He add with a slight smirk...I knew that was his way of saying thanks.

I stepped onto the stage and excitedly walked across it. I was handed the fake diploma and then I moved my tassel to the opposite side, the Mayor of Forks shook my hand and I posed for a picture.

I looked out at the crowd and found my imprint sitting happily with my parents as everyone I have ever known cheered and applauded for me.

I had begun this year without a clue as to what my future would be like, but now I know I didn't have to look too far to find it.

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