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=Sarah's POV=

"I am not going to be able to spend much time with you this weekend." Masen informed me, as he grabbed my hand then turned his attention back to the road as we made our way to the diner.

He'd picked me up from my house. He showed up and knocked on the front door, he even had flowers for both mom and I.

Dad had only smirked and shook his head but let him in.

Grant I didn't have anything to compare it with, as first dates go...this one couldn't be topped

"Why?" I asked curious.

"I'm finally going to be meeting my grandfather for the first time." He said with a sad sort of smile.

I easily remembered who everyone had said Masen's grandfather was...Charlie Swan, My own Grandpa's best friend.

I'd known him my whole life, he was a man of few words, but he was always so kind. He and grandpa loved to fish together and they'd always take me out with them...he'd even go so far as to bring me sour gummy worms because he knew how much I hate real worms.

I'd asked him once when I was a little older, probably 10, "how come sour gummy worms?" I mean I wasn't complaining, since I still ate them but he'd only smiled and said "Because you're already so sweet Kiddo."

That was Charlie Swan to me, a man of few words but not one unkind bone in his body.

"I can't believe your grandpa doesn't know about you." I sighed and shook my head. "But...I'm almost certain you'll love him."

I was still slightly baffled that someone could just not know about a family member like that.

He shrugged as if it was nothing. "It was always safer for my family to leave after the volturi came, my parents couldn't keep putting their friends and families in danger..."

"But what did your mom do about the pregnancy, I mean she's his only child and she lived right here in town?"

"Well after my parents got married and went on their honey moon they quickly got pregnant with me, I mean like legitimately overnight."

I gave him a questioning look.

He sighed, "it's a vampire thing." Then he continued, "anyways they came home immediately since my father was unsure of the effects the pregnancy would have on my mother. But once they got back they informed my grandfather that they had arrived but they told him she was seriously sick and basically quarantined, of course he never questioned it, my other grandfather, the one you met is an amazing doctor."

I could understand that.

"She had me quickly and I grew super fast, like my parents had a baby that looked like a toddler within days...I remember my grandpa Swan coming over to check on my mom but I stayed in the room with my Aunt Rosalie while he was visiting, I mean there was really no way to explain me to him...or rather, no believable way..."

"And now you're going to meet him for the first time and he's dying."

This time the sadness washed over his face. "Yeah."

"I couldn't be a vampire, having to watch everyone I love die around me." I said unthinkingly. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be." He offered a small smile, "It's the truth, but this is also the first death I'm having to witness, to be honest I don't really know how to feel."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it upsets me to find out I have a family member who I've never met. I also know I should be extremely sad about my grandpa passing away, especially so soon after finding out about him, but then again he's a stranger to me so it's a little hard to have a connection with that, I mean I feel bad for the guy but nothing more."

I remained silent as I didn't know how to comment...I was fortunate to still have my grandparents on my mom's side still alive.

Soon enough we pulled into the diner and when we entered we found a table off to the side. PJ and Jessa arrived shortly after and we got up to greet them. I hugged them both then smiled as I watched my boyfriend do the same (but in his own manly way) before we all sat down to order.

"Are you two going camping as well this weekend?" Jessa asked.

"I can't." Masen informed her "I have some family stuff to take care of."

I wondered if PJ had told Jessa about Masen and his family...I'd have to make sure to ask him later.

"I'll definitely be there." I said as I ate some of my fries. "It's been too long since we've all gone camping."

PJ and Jessa agreed and the subject dropped as the two imprints seemed to forget that anyone else was around as they couldn't stop staring lovingly at each other.

Masen grabbed my hand causing me to look at him, I hadn't realized I had been staring at the two across the table from me but as I now looked into the eyes of my boyfriend I couldn't help but smile.

We might not have what PJ and Jessa have but I like what Masen and I do have.

The rest of the dinner went just as smoothly and we even stayed after just talking and laughing.

"I have to get you home." Masen said as he looked at the time on his cellphone. I pouted and he chuckled at my childish antic before leaning in and kissing my forehead, "come on my sweet, before your dad stops letting me take you out."

Masen got up and pulled out his wallet.

"No please, Jessa and I imposed the least I can do is pay for dinner." PJ said.

"I won't hear it, you two did not impose, you were our invited guest," Masen insisted. "Tell you what, I'll get the bill this time and you can pick up the tab next time."

PJ nodded in agreement then we hugged them goodbye before taking off for the night.

"Your cousin is actually a really decent guy when he wants to be." Masen said.

I laughed a little, "he is, he was always so sweet growing up but as the years went by he sort of i don't know...he just became kinda douchy."

"I don't think he was, how did you put it, douchy towards me before...I think he was just acting the part of a concerned cousin looking out for the well being of his little cousin."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm older than him." I smirked.

He smiled, "Either way, Jessa seems to have had a huge effect on him."

"It's because she is his imprint." I responded, I knew PJ had sorta told him what it was at lunch but I filled him in on the complexities of imprints. By the time I finished we had already pulled up outside of my house.

"I'll call or text when i get home." He said gently.

I leaned in and kissed his lips before hopping out of his car.

"Hey Sara Bear, " Mom said as she checked to see who was walking in, "How as dinner."

"Great...PJ and Jessa are so cute." I said flopping down onto the sofa and she followed.

"Yeah, your Dad told me PJ had found his imprint." She smiled.

"You talking about me?" Dad asked as he walked over and kissed mom before sitting next to her on the longer sofa.

"Just telling her that you told me about PJ finding his imprint...did you know it was Jessa Cameron?" Mom asked him.

Dad looked at mom and then Me, "Really?"

I nodded, "Yep...I guess all their on and off finally stuck."

But it was mom who spoke next with a sly sort of smirk, "And that's because Lace gave me grief about Sara and Masen...oh how the tables have turned."

Dad shook his head and sighed, "Be nice, Kay...and don't say anything, it's PJ's decision when to break the news to them."

"Break the news?" I said now, "You make it sound like him finding his imprint is such a bad thing."

Dad sighed again, "It isn't a bad thing at all and you better tell us when you find your imprint young lady because I will know regardless...but back to the matter at hand, let just say that the Lahote's have a longstanding feud with the Cameron's."

Imprints 2: Growing Up QuileuteWhere stories live. Discover now