Ch- 9

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=Sarah's POV=

I sat in utter shock, My father told me everything, and I couldn't believe it, so he told me everything again. His words word were ludicrous but the evidence was solid.

'It can not be possible...this can't be real.'

And yet, it was... know it's real because I had in fact just stood there and witnessed with my own eyes, my cousin... someone I've known damn near my whole life, transform into a wolf.

Not just any rinky dink wolf either...he was freaking massive. I mean scary as all hell was a great way really describe what PJ had become.

And not only did I learn about Quileute shifters...but There was also the bizarre fact that I had seen Masen's mother in a picture with my father when they were younger, and the same woman stood right In front of me, an exact likeness... as if she hasn't aged a day.

PJ called them vampires...but vampires aren't real.

'Neither are wolves but here we are.'

"I want you to stay away from Masen Cullen." My father said.

"Why?" I asked a little hurt and kinda mad.

Even after everything I had learned tonight I still found myself drawn to him, there was something about Masen that I just...needed.

I needed his nearness, I wanted his acceptance, I yearned for his touch.

"He's not normal Sara, he's a hybrid, and that could make him more dangerous than his parents." Dad said.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "You're just being prejudice like PJ because they're vampires."

My dad laughed a little "They're my friends, and old pack I don't mind the fact that they're vampires hell I applaud them for being a different kind of vamp, but Masen, well I don't know too much about him."

"Then how can you judge him without knowing him." I asked pleadingly now.

He sighed heavily, he knew I wouldn't give in so easily.

"I like him Poppa." I admitted timidly, "I can't help it."

"And that's what worries me." He confessed.


=Masen's POV=

"Masen we need to talk." My mother said as we got into the house.

I stopped to listen to whatever she had to say.

"Masen, there's something you should know about the Blacks as well as the rest of the Quileutes."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, 'If she was going to tell me they're shifters, I already knew. But if she was going to lecture me about staying away she was out of her mind.'

'I love Sara, wait, love?'

'I just met her its impossible to love somebody that quickly right?'

"Bella he knows, why don't we leave it alone and let Masen think things through." My father interrupted my inner dialog.

My mother nodded but I could tell she still had something on her mind, no doubt she'd request my keeping away from Sara, but instead she looked at me "youre getting shaggy, you'll need a haircut and a shave soon." With that she began to walk into the kitchen to begin on my supper.

"And by the way," my father whispered, "it is entirely possible to love someone you've only just met...look at your mother and I." He smiled and made his way into the kitchen with my mother.

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