Ch- 13

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=Masen's POV=

I really didn't want to have to leave Sara.

Last night we had confessed our feelings for one another and then She and I both sort of had an unspoken mutual understanding that we are...together.

Sara is my girlfriend and I couldn't be happier.

And as much as I just wanted to enjoy my time with her and keep whta we had going inbetween just the two of us with zero outsider input, I knew that was more than likely not going to happen.

Soon everyone would know about Sara and I, and withthat knowledge will come opinions and everyones "two-cents."

I sighed as I killed the engine to my car and removed my keys, I grabbed my bookbag and made my way toward the house.

Once I finally walked inside of my house I was nearly tackled by all of the hugs I was receiving.

"I'm glad to see all of my hard work on your closet has moved with you well." Aunt Alice chirped.

My aunt Rosalie and grandmother Esme each hugged me tight like they never wanted to let me go.

My grandfather also gave me a loving hug but it was my uncles who I was looking for.

"They went out for a hunt." My father answered my silent thought with a caring smile.

I nodded and then caught up with my relatives.

"You're staying?!" I asked completely confused.

"Only some of them." My father spoke up, "sooner or later we will have to be seen out as a family and that's where our family comes in."

"I'm going to be doing their hair and makeup to age them so they will appear older." Aunt Rosalie said.

"And I will help with their bodies and clothes. A little padding here and there makes a body seem more mature."

"This is ridiculous, what about the bipolar weather of Forks?" I was mostly referring to the rain, surely water would folly their plans and destroy the makeup.

"The weather is actually a convience for us, gives me more to work with in the form of layering their outfits." Aunt Alice assured.

"And advances in makeup relaly offer us a lot to work with now, such a setting sprays." Aunt Rosalie added.

"Everything will be fine son." My mother said. "Your Aunts will work thier wonders and your father and I will constantly carry umbrellas just incase the weather turns."

I essentially did everything I could to ignore her, I still hadn't forgiven her for trying to keep me from talking to Sara.

Just then my uncles walked in.

As rambunctious as ever we wrestled each other as our form of hello.

"Catch?" Uncle Jasper asked with a wide grin.

"Let me grab the ball." I said and went upstairs to get my football.

We went out back and tossed the ball around, just us three.

"How have things been kid?" Uncle Emmett asked.

I sighed, "dramatic." I answered.

"Girl trouble?" Uncle Jasper asked.

I shrugged.

"What's her name?" They asked in unison.

I smirked.


"That's a cute name." Uncle Emmett teased.

I threw the football at him a little roughly but smirked again, "She is cute, and smart, and...everything."

Imprints 2: Growing Up QuileuteWhere stories live. Discover now