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=PJ's POV=

I had survived the dinner, Jessa's parents weren't too bad either.

After dinner Jessa's father even pulled me outside where he told me pretty much the same thing my dad had told me.

"I've regretted it all these years, but I was just following the orders of my pack leader."

"That's crazy, I couldn't imagine hurting my friend like that." I said.

"Well when your pack leader tells you to do something, you do it whether you like it or not." Mr Cameron said.

"We don't have a pack leader." I acknowledged.

"You do, or at least you will." He said.

"I was the first to shift so I guess I'm the leader."

He shook his head, "it doesn't work that way, it goes to the wolf with the strongest bloodline, so there's one person who is stronger than you in every way, you may be bigger, and you might've shifted first but trust me when I say you aren't the leader." He said flatly.

"Oh yeah, and who could possibly be the leader if I'm not?"

He looked at me and patted my shoulder, "your cousin Sara."

'Sara?' I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "But she just shifted." I pointed out.

He shrugged his shoulders. "She has chieftain blood that flows through her veins from ancient Quileute tribe leaders, Jacob was suppose to be our true leader but he was young and didn't understand things properly so he forfeited his rights as leader to the first who shifted back then, that was Sammi's father."

He sighed then continued, "but even with his rights forfeited, Jacob was always stronger, he could always defy Sam's orders because a true leader submits to no one."

"That's why I couldn't get Sara to shift back the other day." I finally understood. "we had to get her imprint to come out to have her shift back."

My heart raced now, "Mr. Cameron, with You and Mr Uley being shifters, the girls...-"

"Could also shift, yes...and something my wife and I have worried abut for some time now as I was around their age when I first shifted, but with no access to the old rez and them not growing up with the legends it'll be a complete shock to them."

"Not to Jessa, she's my imprint, she knows everything and...I'm sorry but she was there when Sara shifted, she was always kept safe and I had to leave with my cousins immediately just so you know it was all for her safety...but yeah, Jessa knows."

He nodded his understanding. "Then the more Jessa hangs out with you the higher her chances of shifting will be...I'll have to break the news to Sammi, you think you or your cousins wouldn't mind giving a demonstration for her?"

I blushed, "Maybe one of my cousins...Can't imagine Jessa'd want her sister to see me naked."

He laughed, "I don't want either daughter to see you naked Lahote."

"Noted...Sara's their friend, maybe she could show Sammi, but she's still ne to shifting so maybe give her a week or two."

He nodded, "The more Sara Black shifts the more powerful she will become, more in tune with her wolf." He added, "She will have children and her first born will be a shifter leader and so on, and so on."

I shook my head in disbelief and we talked a little more about various subjects. When we finally went back inside I had a new respect for Mr Cameron. I ended up taking Jessa and (her adopted sister) Sammi out to the movies, we met up with one of Sammi's new boyfriends and enjoyed the movie.

Imprints 2: Growing Up QuileuteWhere stories live. Discover now