Ch- 5

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=PJ's POV=

"Once you can control your anger you can actually choose to stop shifting." My mother said gently. "It helps when you find your imprint, they help calm you down."

Over the past couple of hours I got a lifetime's worth of old Quileute tribe traditions and folklore instilled in me. And now I'm told that all the legends of "my people," every story I've ever heard is true.

My head was spinning and to be honest it only began to piss me off knowing that every adult was keeping something this huge from us. So I said just that.

"How could you not tell us."

Dad held back a smirk, "We have told you...over and over you just chose not to listen."

He was right, so I shifted my focus, "But you still shift." I said accusingly to my Aunt Leah.

She gave me a small smile, "it's like your mom said, having an imprint helps calm you down...I haven't learned to control my anger, I let it get the best of me most times and it causes us to shift." Then she folded her arms over her chest. "And while we have the ability to shift it isn't until bloodsuckers come around and trigger our abilities."

"Bloodsuckers?" I asked.

My mother gave my aunt a very mean look.

"Vampires." My uncle Jacob said flatly. "Once upon a time they use to be our enemies, that all changed some years ago when we formed an alliance and helped them ward off their evil rulers. They moved away shortly after, I didn't expect them to be back so soon."

The adults all looked at each other a little worried, I could sense there was something they weren't telling me. The talking continued until late into the night, that night I learned all about the elusive Cullens, I hated them for doing this to me.

Worrying about finishing senior year and deciding what I want to do after high school is hard enough, now I learn that for the time being I am the new Alpha of some mythical wolf pack and that soon some of my cousins will more than likely join. This is all too much. Why does all the bad shit happen to me?


=Sara's POV=

My parents had opened an automotive shop right in the center of town, my father's always been a great mechanic and my mother is good with people. When my cousins and I turned 16 most of us started working at the shop, while others went and worked for my uncle Mike, or at the diner.

Since the rain had subsided while I was getting dressed for work I decided to take myself but thanked my aunt and uncle anyways.

As I pulled up to the shop, I noticed there were people sitting in the lobby area. I quickly parked my Moped and took my helmet off. The first person I saw was one of my old coaches from middle school and then I noticed the other person.


Even though he had a hint of sadness or boredom to his face, He was still hands down the most attractive guy I've ever seen.

The minute he caught me staring at him though...he smirked... and I immediately looked away feeling mortified.

I put my helmet on the floor under the desk and I logged into the computer so I could clock in, all while trying to subtly fix my hair from it's currently flattened state.

"Mr Reeve's have you been helped?" I asked my old coach.

Without even looking up from his magazine he nodded his head and grunted a yes.

"And how about you um...?" I trailed off at the end trying to pretend like I had forgotten his name.

He stood up revealing his height once more. "Masen Cullen, and no I have not." He announced regally as he walked up to the counter, a small smile playing on his lips. "Good to see you again, Sara."

I did everything to not look directly at him.

"You too...Alright," I said as I pulled up the window for new clients. I typed in his name and tried to remain as professional as possible, as I tucked my hair behind my ear. "Year, make, and model of your car."

Imprints 2: Growing Up QuileuteWhere stories live. Discover now