Ch- 16

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=Sarah's POV=

"We're fraternal twins." Jessa told Masen.

"Just incase it wasn't completely obvious." I put in with a smirk

"You're horrible S." Jessa smiled and shook her head, her curly hair bouncing with the movement."

"I'm the older one of us." Sammie put in.

"By a day." Jessa pointed out.

"A day?" Masen asked, as if he had misheard them.

"My sister means I was born February 13th 11:57pm and Jessa was born February 14th while we're only 5 minutes apart, two different days."

"Which is why I am the sweetheart of the two of us." Jessa beamed.

"Anyways..." Sammi said, doing her best to ignore her sister, "Our Dad runs our grandpa's old gym and our Mom has a small dance studio, that's actually how we met Sarah."

He smiled at me, I knew he was trying to imagine me...the tomboy in dance class. "It was when I was a kid...ballet and tap dancing." I filled him in.

He nodded and the girls went on.

"Sooo," Sammi said as she leaned in to talk to Masen, I didn't like her action.

It's not exactly a secret that Sammi and Jessa are pretty girls, but while Jessa may have more assets than Sammi and I...It's always been Sammi who was the seductive one and can never seem to find a guy she won't flirt with

Up until now, she's never had the chance to do that to me.

"Sara tells us that you are getting along well with her cousins, what's it like joining the Q5?" Sammi asked

"The Q5?" Masen asked a little confused.

"It's something that people call me and my cousins from time to time." I admitted quietly now.

This was so damn embarrassing.

"As you know there are 5 of us and we are all of Quileute descent." I tried to explain nonchalantly...In all reality I was mortified, 'the Q5' sounds like some douchelord boy band or something, I've never liked that name or the connotation that we were somehow this elitist group somehow better than anyone...that's so far from the truth of it.

But even I had to admit the town kind of fed into it.

"Well her cousins are alright, friendly, kind of goofy...but I'm not exactly PJs favorite person." He said knowingly.

and I hated knowing that he knew how much PJ disliked him...or my Dad for that matter.

"Aww I'm sure Pauly will warm up to you Mase, he just has to get to know you." Jessa added sweetly.

To those of us who knew her, Jessa has always had a thing for PJ, no matter how much he ignored her, or broke her heart when he called things off between them...she could never stop liking him for whatever reason.

Masen looked at her and then back at me, I knew he had picked up on Jessa calling PJ 'Pauly'.

"Jessa is PJ's ex-girlfriend." I whispered low knowing only he would here it.

"weird." He whispered back.

I held in my laugh now but shrugged, "He's who she loves...always has, unfortunately always will."

"And he doesn't feel the same?" He wondered.

I sighed, "It's hard to tell, they always somehow find their way back to each other."

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