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=PJ's POV=


With Uncle Jake's shop closed for the night and my cousins all busy doing the same thing (out with their parents) I was stuck at home flipping through channels.

"Why don't you go out son." My mother offered as she passed by the sofa.

My Dad had to go into the office for a presentation and my mother was getting ready to out to dinner with my Aunt Leah, I knew they'd more than likely talk about Aunt Leah's new imprint.

I'd seen her thoughts on him a few times when she shifted with us...He's a classically handsome sort of dude...He's a suit and tie sorta guy which honestly I never thought Aunt Leah would ever go for but, I guess when you imprint it doesn't exactly hive you a choice...and It didn't matter anyways, I had seen in her thoughts and memories of him, just how happy he made her.

"There's nothing to do." I sighed. "What's the point in cable when there's never anything good to watch...and I don't have a system play."

"And who's fault is that?" She asked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, "Not helping mom."

"Go to Port A, I wouldn't be surprised if you ran into one of your cousins up there anyways, you can grab dinner or go to the movies." She suggested nonchalantly.


"Why not." She countered before the phone rang and she continued on her way, disappearing into the kitchen leaving only the sound of lovey-dovey talk between her and (obviously) my father.

I flopped back against the sofa before finally deciding to take my Mothers advise and just going to the movies...I'd rather go alone than sit here and listen to my parents gush and fawn over one another. 

I put my riding jacket on as well as my helmet, I knew I really didn't need either of these things as a form of protection now that I'm a shifter. But why steer from habit?

And as Brandon had teased, "He doesn't want to scratch his pretty face." 

Well he wasn't wrong.

"I'm out." I called to my mom as I passed her in the kitchen, she smiled at me and waved before I left.


I made it to Port A in record time.

I had initially driven out here to drive around and hopefully bump into someone I knew like a team mate or one of my cousins as mom had suggested.

But as I drove up to the movies I just stopped. I parked my bike and went straight into the lobby.

I found myself looking around the place, as if searching for someone even though I knew we were alone...again, this was probably just a form of habit more than anything.

"Ticket sir?"

I looked over at the ticket taker, "What?"

"I need your ticket, I can't let you pass without one." He sounded bored.

"Oh, right." I said and then moved to the register to buy a ticket.

When it came to picking out a movie I honestly just got a ticket for the oldest movie there in hopes I wouldn't actually run into someone and be seen alone like a creeper in the movie theater.

Because bumping into a friend or two in the lobby is one be seen sitting alone is embarrassing.

I gave the bored ticket taker my ticket and he ripped it in half and let me through.

Imprints 2: Growing Up QuileuteWhere stories live. Discover now