Infinity Is Beyond Us

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hey you remember when i said i would write about Faith's daughter and share the book on Wattpad?

Yeah, well, it happened. It's here. It's finally here, after 8 months of working on it every day for hours. I'm so excited and nervous to be sharing this because all these characters are so close to my heart. I love them so much.


"You're more than you think you are."Introverted Theon Atwood has fought more battles than it would look to the naked eye. After the loss of a close friend, Theon struggles to be the seventeen-year-old guy society wants him to be. His photography no longer serves as an escape from the panic attacks taking over his life and even work at the farm isn't heavy enough to distract him.Kara Cancelliere can take on anything and anyone. With a rising career in boxing and motivation that plummets off the earth, she lives everyday like it has a purpose. That is, until she finds her sister and her boyfriend kissing at a party and discovers they've been dating for months. Now broken, humiliated and overwhelmed with problems falling on her shoulders, Kara is beginning to succumb to the darkness taking over her head.Life is short. That's what everyone says. Already filled with regret and heartbreak, Theon and Kara find it difficult to carry on with life. They've built their walls, but as they try to tear each other's mask down, they find themselves in a larger mess than they started in.

I really hope you join me on this journey, and the next and the next. The Dumped Club will always have a special place in my heart because it taught me so much, and here, in this new book, I'm putting in so much more. 

Thank you all so much. I love you.


The Dumped ClubOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora