5DOC- Dancing In Our Stitch Onesies

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The week leading up to Christmas is for spending time with family and friends and taking a long-awaited break from school, right? That how it should be spent; decorating the Christmas tree, baking cakes and drawing beards on your sister's face when she passes out from a two-hour long train ride. But how did I spend my Friday night when the half-term began? You guessed it, I was juggling coursework, revision and editing "Gorgon's Blood" instead of spending my night at the school Christmas disco with my friends. Why? Because I had procrastinated too much and Mum told me to get a grip before the GCSE's got real real.

I sighed and looked at the smeared window. I was on my own because Mum and Martin had gone to the neighbour's for tea and Amy was out with her friends from secondary school. I didn't really want to go to the school disco but I also didn't feel like studying. I had been in the mood to watch a Christmas movie, a chick-lit or an epic fantasy and wonder why I'm single when I obnoxiously throw popcorn in my mouth. My phone pinged and I diverted my attention to the message.

Fred: You sure you're not coming to the party?

Me: Nah. Mum told me to get a grip and start studying so I guess I should do that.

Fred: OK. Have a nice study session x.

Me: Thanks. Enjoy the night x.

If I was going to be stuck home studying, I might as well make good use of it. I threw my uniform in the laundry basket and settled in my Stitch onesie before I turned on cheesy pop songs and spent more time dancing that studying. You can't blame me- I was bored out of my mind! Year 11 was a difficult year because I had near to no free time and so many things were demanding my attention at the same time. One of those was a certain, dark-haired boy best-friend and the lazy smiles he would flash me when I was trying to concentrate in Chemistry.

"Hope, get a bloody grip!" I told myself. "It's studying time therefore you can't think about anyone or anything else besides the task in front of you."

I was hopeless at this whole organised and studying thing. Switching on to instrumental music, I settled down at my desk and began writing notes and working from one of Amy's old physics textbooks. I had brought up my grade in Physics when Fred started coming over to have study parties and in return I pretty did most of his English coursework because he "couldn't deal" with heavy analysis and writing essays. Prudence helped me with maths and in return I held her back from insanity as she obsessed over the GCSE's and freaked over mock exams.

A knock on the door reverberated throughout the flat and I stopped typing, warily looking around the candle lit bedroom. The wind slammed against my window and I felt a chill race down my spine. I got up and grabbed a frying pan from the cupboard before hastily opening the front door and looking around and raising my pathetic excuse of a weapon above my head. There was no one outside. Had it all been my imagination?


"AAAAAA!" I screamed and hid my face behind the frying pan.

"Jeez calm down!" Grace's voice came from behind the frying pan and I brought it down to face her. She was clad in the same Stitch onesie that I was wearing, in fact she was the one to give it to me for my fifteenth birthday. Faith, Love and Prudence appeared behind her, wearing dresses under cardigans and winter coats.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, setting down the frying pan on the kitchen counter.

"You're coming to the Christmas party with us," Love declared.

"But I'm studying and-"

"No buts. We've sorted things out with your Mum and she agreed that you can go."

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