5DOC- I'm Fine

18 3 8

Faith POV

Two things people in my life would always tell me was to "study, study, study" and to never take things for granted. It wasn't nice, supportive tumblr type of crap that teachers tell you like "work hard and you will get to where you want to be" or "do whatever makes you happy". It was just study and never take things for granted. Seems like a fitting plan of escaping my dysfunctional family.

I should study to get good GSCE's, get accepted into a college or university and move out of home. I should never take things for granted because everything could change directions in a matter of seconds. They were breathed down my neck as a daily reminder but I still didn't listen and instead followed my own advice. Now I've lost everything I've loved and the pain hit home too hard because I took things for granted.

I sat on my blue beanbag and let my eyes scan my room as I tried to prevent threatening tears from pouring out of my eye sockets. The sound of a suitcase scraping against the carpeted stairs reached my ears and I jumped to my feet and wiped my eyes.

"Alright, well I'm off," Mum croaked and I peeked through the small gap of my door. My four older brothers surrounded her and attempted to stop her from trying to leave our dad but I knew she had already made up her mind.

"Mum come on, don't be ridiculous! You're just having another argument and you'll make up to each other by the morning," Sam pleaded, trying to grab her suitcase.

"Sam it really does pain me to leave you here but I can't drag the five of you around hotels every week. I'll try to find a place and then you call all move in but for now you'll have to stay with your father,"

Although Mum was a petite blonde with near to no physical strength, she yanked the suitcase away from Sam's gripping hand before engulfing him into a tearful embrace. "I've left you the tickets to Brighton in your room. Your Aunt Amelia is expecting you next week,"

She gave each of them a hug before grabbing the suitcase and spinning on her heel and heading for the door. She wasn't actually joking about this. I smashed the door open and ran past my brothers, pulling her in an embrace before she would leave this house for what felt like forever. The tears were already streaming down my face as I buried my head in the crook of her neck, taking in her floral perfume before she was gone. Mum's arms wrapped around me and released me a few second later, her warm blue eyes runny with salty tears. She grabbed my by the shoulders and took a step back to fully face me before she whispered, "Look after them Fae. I know I haven't been a great mother but please take care of your brothers. I will be back soon."

With that, she left. She freaking left. The door slammed shut and I stared at it with a dumbfounded expression, as if she was going to turn back and never leave. I closed my eyes to stop the tears from escaping but all I felt was pure dizziness, my heart beating out of my chest, my breathing becoming shallow and my legs turning to complete jelly. She had bloody left me with the request of caring for a university drop-out, two college failures and a sixteen year old who had a problem of going loony-eyed over cigarettes. Mind you, a sixteen year-old who would be living his life in Brighton in the safety of our aunt because Mum thought Dad was being a bad influence on him.

"Here," Sam offered me a cigarette from his metal box. Chris growled and was about to pounce on him when I grabbed the box out of his hand and shoved it in my jeans pocket. "Woah Chris! I was only joking, jeez! Can't you- what the hell sis?" Sam's eyebrows drew together and he tried to take the box. "Give them back!"

"No," I stated with determination. "You're supposed to be clean anyway."

"Just give them back!" Sam shouted, taking a few steps closer.

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