21- Broken Mirrors

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 "Drop the act Hope! You need to go to school!" Mum gave me a stern look as I lay in bed, trying to fake sick.

"Mum, I actually feel terrible," I tried to lower my voice and make it scratchier. I could barely scrape off with a croak but she wasn't falling for it. I wasn't exactly lying because I had spent the whole night texting and talking to Love as she cried her eyes out.

"Get up right now and put on your uniform or I'm grounding you!" Mum exited our room while Amy ran around and grabbed equipment.

I sighed and swung my legs over the bed frame. This was going to be a long day that I wasn't prepared for. I was dead tired and every move ached but I got through putting on my uniform and drowning down a bowl of porridge before running out of the house. I was running late and had to sprint to school with my heavy backpack thumping against my back while conserving whatever energy I did have.

Sighing with relief, I staggered to the first bench I saw when I crossed the gates and set my bag down. There was an awful lot of noise, much more shouting and chatter than a usual morning.

"Get off me you little-"

"You son of a-"


My head whipped up and I grabbed my bag. Faith lunged at Amethyst, Grace trying to hold her back but failing miserably. I completely ditched the bag and ran forward, grabbing Faith's free hand and pulling her back from the beet-red Amethyst.

"Hope let go of me for God's Sake!" she seethed and tried wring her hand away but my grip tightened.

"Faith just leave her!" Grace pleaded and pulled her back.

"Listen to your friend for once," Amethyst shook with anger, with only Shawn by her side.

"No!" Faith yanked her arms out of our grips and stood up straight against the slumped and disinterested Amethyst. "I am sick of you being a complete ass to everyone and treating everyone like dirt. When you stare into the mirrors that you broke, don't you feel broken too? Don't you feel guilty that an innocent girl who did nothing to you is now lying in a hospital bed, unconscious and completely knocked out and fighting for her life because of the damned words that came out of your damned mouth?!"

"Don't even try to bail her out of this one! I've had enough of her egoistical attitude and taking Love away from me. Then she turned Love into a complete cow and ganged all of her stupid friends against me."

"Why you little-" Faith lunged at Amethyst successfully and grabbed her by the collar. Shawn pushed Amethyst back before dragging her off to our form room.

Faith just stood there. One second her face was masked with hot red flames of fury and hell rose in her cold blue eyes and then it was like her brain had turned to dark clouds that forced tears out of her eyes. I looked at Grace to see that she too had glazed eyes and I grabbed both of their bags before I dragged them to the cleaning supplies cupboard and switched on the light.

"What are we doing here?" Faith sniffed and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her crimson blazer.

"We're here so you can calm the frick down and call Love," I said, plopping myself on the ground. My finger hovered over the call button for half a second before I dialled and waited for Love to answer.

"Hello?" Love's tired voice cut through the short moment of calmness and suddenly Faith was bawling her eyes out again and I felt my vision become blurry at the edges too.

"Love! Are you OK?" Grace was the one out of the three of us to speak and was certainly the most sane. I heard Love sigh, inhale and exhale deeply before replying.

The Dumped ClubOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora