" Martini. Shaken, not stirred."

" I need to see some ID." I give him an incredulous look.

" Are you seriously going to card me?" He shrugs.

" Sorry. Rules."

" Do you know who I am?" With a smirk plastered on his face he shakes his head.

" No but I'll love to. Maybe over dinner. " I let out a unlady like snort.

" Ha, no. Now," I look at him up and down in a quick second, " Rico suave. Martini. Now preferably." He let's out a deep chuckle.

" I don't-"

" Where have you been all this time!? I've been looking everywhere for you!" Rico Suave was cut off by none other then my sister who appeared out of thin air scaring the living shit out of me.

" Geez! Make some noise next time you decide to pop up besides me." I say semi irritated.

" Guilty conscious." I giver her a look before crossing my arms over my chest.

" What do you want!?" I snap.

" You know. You really should lose the attitude."

" Says medusa."

" Excuse me? What did you call me!?" She snarled.

" You heard me. Me-du-sa. If you don't understand I can always spell it out and even google it for you." I hear someone snicker besides me. I take a look at Rico Suave who is biting back laughter.

" You and your childish ways. When will you grow up Cat?"

" Wow! Now that your getting married you feel like your Socrates. Give people philosophical advice and shit!" I notice Isis look frantically around. I do the same and see a few bystanders staring at us curiously.

" Tone down your voice." She growls, taking a step towards me. Intruding my personal bubble.

" Typical Isis. Never likes a scene." I grab the martini and drown it. If I wasn't so angry I would actually praise Rico suave on being able to make such a fine drink.

" Your drinking!?" I roll my eyes at Isis.

" No shit! Getting drunk sounds much more better than dealing with your boring and very lame party." I start to make my way when she stops me. Her hand fiercely gripping my upper arm. I'm able to feel her nails dig painfully into my skin.

" Mom and dad will find out that your drinking." She whispers fiercely.

" Tell them. Like I care." I pull my arm out of her grasp. " And like I said earlier today. I always steal the spotlight." I notice Isis eyes widen as she notices the amount of eyes on us. " I gotta go. Harry's waiting for me." I quickly walk away and towards a dark haired boy who stands out amongst everyone else.

" I was about to go and look for you." Harry says as I reach him. I see a glass of champagne in his hands. I hastily take it and drown the drink. " You okay?" He asks. A worried look on his face.

" I swear if she wasn't my sister I wouldn't hesitate to bash her head against the bar." Harry let's out a low chuckle.

" What happened now?" I run a hand through my hair.

" Nothing. She just annoys me. It's like now that she's getting married she's acting like the big sister I always wished I had." Sadness fills me as i remember Isis and I relationship growing up. We were never close. Never. We never talked about boys or anything. To me she's a stranger just as I am one to her.

" I'm sure she'll come to realize that one day." I snort.

" Yeah right. To Isis everything revolves around Isis."

" She is pretty self centered." Harry states.

" No kidding." I say sarcastically.

" Look Cat how about after all this we can go and-"

" Catalina!" I almost let out a frustrated scream when I hear my fathers booming voice behind me. I turn to come face to face with my father. He's wearing a scowl on his face. Making the lines around his hard blue eyes much more noticeable.

" Hey dad." I said in a too high too sweet voice.

" Catalina your sister just informed me that-"

" Dad this is Harry my boyfriend. Harry this is my father." I cut my dad off not in the mood for him to give me a lecture. I linked my arm with Harry's. Smiling brightly at my fathers caught off guard expression.

" Hi sir! I'm Harry. Nice to finally meet Catalina's father." Harry extended his hand out in formal greeting a warm smile on his face. My father being the one who notices every little detail looks curiously back and forth between Harry and I.

" Harry. I'm Maxwell." My father finally takes Harry's hand after a few long torturous seconds. My father turns his gaze to me. " I'll talk to you later." My father excuses himself and walks off. I feel Harry instantly relax besides me.

" Meeting your father went better than I expected."

" No. You're just lucky we're in public. He cares to much about his image so he'll be forced to play and act nice." I inform Harry who is now frowning.

" At least your brother likes me." I smile to hear that at least one member of my family accepts Harry. Then again I've always been closer to josh since he feels like it's his duty to be the over protective older brother. Even if he is just two years older then me.

" Josh is a people person. He sees the good in everyone. Even if he is a dick once in a while. He wasn't a dick to you was he?" I ask.

" No. We joked around mostly. He complained a lot about how emotional pregnant woman are. His wife, Heidi, she's pregnant right?" I grin as I think about Heidi. Now she's the big sister I always wanted. Caring, funny, and smart.

" Yup. She's six months. And trust me she's really hormonal. She cried when I took away her piece of cake last Tuesday." Harry gasped before giving me a weird look.

" What kind of cake was it?"

" Chocolate with vanilla icing around it and chocolate fudge in the middle." I can practically see the drool pooling in Harry's mouth as I describe the cake.

" I wouldn't have cried. I would have banished you from the earth. It's chocolate cake!" This time it was my turn to laugh. Harry loves chocolate. He loves it more than life. If he can eat any food for the rest of his life he claims it will be chocolate.

" Calm down boy." He let's out a low bark. I couldn't hold back the laughter.

" I made you laugh. Now I want my mistress to pet me." I give Harry a look.

" Kinky much." He shrugs.

" More like a fetish." I shake my head.

" Oh god."

" My god too." I couldn't help the laughter that erupted.

" Samantha?" I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and my laughter ceases.

Standing right behind me is none other then Stephan, Dimitri's right hand man.

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