Chapter 30

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(Oh my gosh! I can't believe we are already on chapter 30! Thank you soo much for all your guys's support! It's really helped me write this book. Todays my B-DAY!)

Not seeing Dallas next to me when I wake up in the morning makes me upset. But I'm actually really glad he left last night. If he was Zander he would probably beg me to have sex with him all night. I don't know how I went from a guy like Zander to a guy like Dallas, but I'm really glad I did.

When I finally force myself to get out of bed, I slip on a pair of sweats. I'm also really glad Dallas just let me sleep in my clothes last night, he didn't try to weirdly undress me in my sleep.

Today I plan on staying home. I don't plan on hanging out with Mandy, or even Dallas. I just need to take some time to hang out with my brother. My brother who I know only came because he felt bad about not coming last time I asked him. But I don't care. He's here now, he's here for me.

After brushing my teeth and putting my hair into a ponytail, I walk downstairs into the kitchen to find it empty. All I can hear is muffles voices. They sound angry, whoever they are. I soon find out they are not just voices, they are screaming voices. I desperately try to find out where the screams are coming from.

After searching all throughout my house for the person screaming, I think of something obvious. I run back down the stairs into the backyard, and find my dad yelling at the top of his lungs. He is yelling at what I think is my mom because she's hysterically crying. But when I get a closer look I see that he's yelling at my brother Logan.

Logan doesm't even seems affected by his harsh screams. That is...until he see's me standing there with tears welling up in my eyes. He knows. He knows I heard everything my dad just yelled.

"Logan! When the hell were you planning on telling your parents that you do drugs?" My dad hounded him.

"Dad! It's just weed-" Logan began.

"Yeah, weed and a little cocaine!" My dad shouted back. That's when Logan noticed me standing there like a complete idiot.

"Taylor." Logan simply says, which is all he needs to say just before I run back into my house and up to my room. I soon regret this decision. I should have ran right out the front door to Dallas's house. I know he will be here to comfort me.

My parents pounding on my door only makes me cry harder. I can't handle this right now.

"Mom! You need to go, give her some space." Logan assures her. I'm glad he's trying to help, but I don't want any help from anyone who had lied to me. That's how I know I need Dallas. I know he would never hide anything from me, or lie to me.

Logan's yelling must have paid off, my parents soon give up on trying to get me to come out of my room. Now is my opportunity to go to Dallas's house. It's pretty much the only time I can since Mandy's at her stupid cheer captains practice. 

I slowly open my door and peer out into the hallway. When I know the coast is clear I run downstairs. When I finally get into my car, I let out a huge sigh of relief.

The drive to Dallas's house is long, mostly because the entire time I just thing about things. I mostly think about how I have been so blind this whole time. I mean, military school, bloodshot eyes, never being able to come. There all red flags, I'm just the person who was to blind to see it all. And right now, I'm hoping that's all I was too blind too see. If I was too blind to see something else, I would probably lose it.

When I pull up at Mandy's house another feeling of relief washes over me when I realize Dallas's car is the only one parked in the driveway. Mandy shouldn't be home for another 3 hours and her parents are gone for the week so I'm good!

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