Chapter 8

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By the time the movie is over we all have tears streaming down our cheeks.

"Ugh! Why does it have to end like that?" Mandy screams a little too loud.

"I am never watching this movie again, no matter how hot Channing Tatum is!" Zoey screams even louder.

"Guys, how about we go get some more food?" Jennifer suggests, which doesn't surprise me. Jennifer is the heaviest girl on the team, she just wont stop eating.

"Sounds good to me! Ladies, to the kitchen." Mandy shouts. She's so loud. When we get to the kitchen we all raid the fridge, pantry, and cabinet for anything to mask our depressed tears.

"Got any chocolate?" Zoey asks, "It's that time of the month."

"Geez! T.M.I.!" I spell out to Zoey. Zoey is pretty much an open book. Sometimes that's not such a good thing. She once announced her monthly in front of our entire math class. Kids didn't stop calling her names, and throwing tampons at her for a month. Maybe that's one of the reasons the only "friends" she has are on the cheer team.

"Alright guys, grab what you need we don't want Zoey to bleed out!" Rachel says. God, why is she such a bitch?

"Haha, funny!" Zoey says back to her sarcastically. After we all finish sharing awkward glances, we follow Mandy into her bedroom.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Mandy asks, her tone quiet. She seems upset. I decide to ignore Mandy's odd behavior and suggest watching another movie. Everyone immediately turns down my suggestion. I'm guessing their still scarred from the emotional trauma that sad movie just put them threw.  

"Oh, why don't we prank call?" I suggest again, hoping they don't turn down this idea too.

"Oh yeah!" Mandy shouts. Of coarse. "What's a sleepover without prank calls?" 

"So, who are we going to call first?" Summer asks eagerly.

"Hey why don't we call your brother?" Zoey says, she seems proud of herself for coming up with a "good" idea.

"Why don't you guys just stop talking about my brother." Mandy says. I'm surprised she didn't yell this time.

"Are you okay Mandy?" Summer asks. You've been acting really defensive tonight."

"I'm fine. Can we just start calling people? Tay, grab the phone book." Mandy snaps at me. I decide not to argue and quickly get up to fetch the heavy yellow paged book. Who still uses these anyway?

"Thanks!" Mandy beams when I bring her the large book. "I need a phone. Summer?" Summer tosses her her phone and smiles, anticipating a smile back. Mandy doesn't smile at her, she just starts dialing the first number she sees on the page.

"Hello this is Carrie Anne, I am an intern here at Teen Vogue in LA. I was just wondering if you would like to be a model here? We have seen some photos of you and you are gorgeous." Mandy babbles when some women answers. I assume the women bought it because immediately after Mandy finishes speaking the women on the phones screams. I'm guessing she's happy? 

"Haha, you've just been pranked!" Mandy yells just before hanging up the phone. After prank calling people and sending pizzas to random addresses around town we decide to stop.

"Damn, I forgot how much fun it was to prank people like that!" Mandy yells as she plops onto her bed. I turn on my phone to check the time. 2 AM.

"Guys, it's already 2 we should get to bed." Mandy says breaking the awkward silence.

"What is with you?" I thought we were staying up all night?" Summer snaps at her. "That's what we usually do."

"Yeah, but tomorrow is the big competition in case you guys forgot." Mandy snaps back at her.

"Oh, right." Summer says as she closes her eyes. Within 5 minutes everyone is asleep. Before passing out like everyone else I decide to go to the bathroom. On my way out of Mandy's bedroom I trip over a few sleeping bodies, and stub my toe on multiple things. I really should have brought my phone with me, the flashlight would have helped me. A lot!

As I walk down the dimly lit hallway to the bathroom, I begin to hear the fait sound of a guitar being strummed. I laugh at the crazy thought and proceed to the bathroom. After I am done  in the bathroom, I begin walking back towards Mandy's room. I can still hear the strumming of a guitar, much louder this time. I decide to go check out the noise. The noise is coming from a part of the house that I have never been to. After searching for what door the mysterious music is coming from, I finally come to the open door of a large bedroom. I peer into the bedroom and see a large bed, a desk, a dresser, and a large flat screen TV matted to the wall. I finally come to realization that this is Dallas's bedroom. My heart immediately drops and I prepare to turn around and run, run all the way back to Mandy's room. I take a deep breath and turn around to run back to Mandy's room, not even realizing that the guitar strumming had stopped long before I got to the large bedroom. Just as I start speeding to the bedroom I run into a large figure. I let out a large yelp when I realize who it is. Dallas.

(Sorry if it's short! Stay tuned for the next chapter! Taylor and Dallas are going to meet. PLEASE VOTE! AND KEEP READING!!!)

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