Chapter One.

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(Jason's P.O.V)

I woke up by and annoying sound. Also know as my alarm clock. I slamed the off button as I got up. My eyes were half closed as I went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and washed the sleepyness out of my eyes. I sighed and looked in the mirror. I had black hair that ended just above my eyes, I had green eyes, 6 foot, built. I was popular at my school, but I wasn't a jock. I used to be a jock, but I changed my ways. A fire happened a long time ago, and I almost died. Then I realized I didn't want to go down as a jerk . I don't rember much about the fire, after it happend I was in a coma for two months so everythings a little blurry. But for some reason when I think of the fire, I can only see a girl. She had long black hair that fell to her waist, dark blue piercing eyes. But all I could see in her eyes were flames.

  I felt a slight breeze, and a chill went down my spine. Did I leave the window open? I looked in my room to see my window closed. Maybe its the air vents, or something. Or a.ghost? Ya Right.... I just shook the thought off and got dressed. I grabbed my bag and ran down stairs. I yelled a quick goodbye to my mom and started walking to school. I didn't feel like driving, I wanted to walk. After walking a bit I noticed something odd.... Like I was being followed or watched. I looked around, but I saw no one. I just shrugged it off and continued walking.

  I reached school, and walked inside. The bell rang signaling students to get to there classroom. "Great." I muttered. I guess I took to long walking. I tried to find my locker, but it was sort of hard when you have a bunch of teens fighting to get to there classroom. When I finally reached my locker everyone was in there class. So I was in the hall alone. I jammed my books into my locker, and grabbed my math book. Lucky me, I have math in the morning. I closed my locker, and walked down the hall to my classroom. But I felt someone watching me. I turned around to see a girl staring at me. She looked familar...She had long black hair, blue eyes, just like the girl that keeps popping up in my head. She looked at me in curousity. I waved at her, and she seemed a little bit taken back....But she soon waved back. Was she new? I accidently dropped my book. I picked it up, and when I looked up she was gone. Where did she go? I just shrugged it off, and went to class. Apprently I've been shrugging alot of things off.

  The last bell rang signalling it was time to go home. Finally. I walked out of the classroom to my locker. I opened a locker when a note fell out onto the floor. I picked it up, and unfolded it. I began to read it.

  Meet me in the park after school.

  That was all it said. It didn't leave of who wrote it, or anything? Could it have been the girl in the hallway?I shoved the note in my pocket, and  ramdomly jammed my books in my locker. I closed my locker and walked outside. Even if it was the girl in the hallway....why did she wan't to talk to me? I walked to the park and looked around. I didn't see anyone, until I spotted a girl on a bench... And if I wasn't mistaken she was the girl from the hallway. I walked over to her and sat down next to her.

  "Hi." She said, not even looking over to at me.

  "Hi." I said. "Your the one that sent the note?" She nodded her head yes.

  "Why?" I asked.

  "We need to talk." She said...Still.not looking at me. "Do you believe in ghost?"

  "No?" I said. "What does this have to do with anything?"

  "You'll find out soon." She said. "Just try to remeber."

  "Remeber what?" I said, but she was already gone. Remeber what? I asked myself. Remeber what?.....


Thank you for all the votes! :D I really hope you like this chapter. I'll update chapter two soon! Byeee. Thank you! Kinda short sorry. I have a problem doing that. Ill try and make the next chapter bigger.

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