"They kids are our Heroes, but we are the Heroes' teachers. With or without an Academy. There is a plan, Guido. It's dangerous, and highly illegal. But we owe it to this kids, and we owe it to ourselves. A chance of redemption. If you're afraid, then go. I will not hold it against you."

Nobody moved from his spot. They were all in this together, from the very start. Vanessa smiled, a ray of light illuminating her bleak existence. Tonight, if only for one night, she would become her old-self once more. And bring hell along with it.

"Listen carefully."


The Canton Tower-19th October, 200 A.D

"Ok. See these guards over there? You'll wait until they are exactly positioned in front of the main door... Yeah, the double glass ones with the cameras. The fucking main entrance. Seriously, just focusing a little bit on the task would help."

John was practically one second away from screaming on his PA. Trying to navigate Seb and Mike was proving more difficult than he'd ever thought it would.

"Sorry John, it's just a little difficult to focus with this thing stuck in our hoods, while pretending to be drunk. Don't act like a baby, Ok?"

Seb's ironic answer didn't help ease his frustration.

"And I am not seeing you sir having your ass on the line, I am just seeing him and me acting like two drunk fools."

Mike. Bloody idiot.

"Oh really Mike? Maybe I should just go home, since I am such a big burden? Maybe it would be more convenient for you, eh?"

"Listen to me, you son of..."

"Guys, is this really the most appropriate time to be fighting about the effectiveness of the plan? We all agreed to this. Stop acting like a bunch of hormone-driven idiots."

Amy had grabbed John's PA, bringing order back to the team.

"Ok, princess. Should we start now?"

John coughed, regaining his control.

"Yes. Start by taking it slow ok? Verbal provocations only. The more back-up they call upon you the better. When you can't handle them anymore, just scream on your PAs and I will come to help you out. When Amy is done, then I'll pick you up. Are we clear?"

"Over and out, boss."

John sighted, prayed as hard as he could to every holy presence in Canton, and closed his eyes.

Their magnificent, well-thought plan was devised by him and was fairly simple in essence.

A diversion created by Seb and Mike in the main Tower entrance, allowing Amy to sneak in Aldus' Green office, searching for any hidden documents, anything really, that proved his connection with the drug circle.

The chances were very slim, but they were baffled, with no other leads to follow. The day of their operation had been a perfect pick, since everything within a ten meter perimeter of the Tower was closed down for the preparation of the 200th Canton Anniversary.

No people to be found, other than a few guards.

But now, as John concentrated hard, trying to determine the guards' positions, he started having serious doubts about his "well-thought" plan.

Too late to go back. Might as well reach the end without getting caught.

The scene was rapidly unfolding in his mind's eye.

Rising Power (#1 of the Canton Chronicles Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant