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(Abrar's POV)

My sleep broke, as the pictures of Sadia and Maruf floated behind my closed eyelids. I immediately got up racking fingers through my hair. My head was aching, which made pull my hair so hard that I felt it would tear off right then. However, still only one thought circulated in my brain. There was no way I was going to lose Sadia. Not at any cost.

I needed to clear my mind to think properly and for that I needed a shower. I headed towards the bathroom and in my way something struck my eyes. It was Sadia's phone on the floor of the dressing room. Thousands of questions bewildered my thoughts. Why would she leave her phone here? Doesn't she need it anymore? If not then why? I closed my eyes holding my head in my hand and inhaled a deep breath. This women was going to be the end of me I thought. She was making me crazy day by day and the scariest part was that I was becoming more obsessed with her everyday. Even the thought of her being away from me didn't want to settle in my brain. She needed to be here as soon as it was possible. She belonged to me. She belonged here right beside me.

I went near the phone and picked it up, placing it on the table near me.

After taking a shower I took a pill for my headache and headed for my shirt section. While opening my closet the thought of looking inside her closet hit me. Did she take all her clothes? Fortunately, when I opened her closet it was full and everything was arranged nicely. She didn't take her clothes and not even her phone. Leaving her phone here didn't make any sense though. Why would she leave it? Did she mistakenly left it here and if she did why didn't she take it back, she had enough time to before I came back.

When I opened my closet one of my shirt was completely wrinkled. Usually my clothes are always completely ironed and properly hanged. This was not an expected scene.

A smirk crossed my face out of all the tension. Somewhere a cloud of relief hovered over me. Somewhere I knew that something was wrong and all that I was seeing and hearing had little truth in them. Sadia was definitely here before she left the house. She needed me and the thought made me happy. She was definitely in some problem, which was created by Maruf. My inner conscience would never lie to me. She would never deceive me. We both felt something for each other and I knew it better than her. Slowly but surely she was becoming mine and the day wasn't far when she would become completely mine.

I immediately called the bodyguard that I appointed for Sadia as her driver to learn her exact location. After he informed she was at home I sighed a breath of relief and started getting my clothes on.

My phone on the other hand was buzzing with calls. This was further adding to my headache. The calls were all from the company, it must have been something important but right now nothing was more important than my wife. I had to get her out of this mess and get Maruf to his right place. He has created enough problems in my life and now he needed to pay for it with his life. Sadia was the most prized possession of my life and he tried to snatch her from me, he definitely didn't make a wise decision with that.

On my way downstairs mom stepped ahead my way. That was certainly not the right time for her to talk to me. Somewhere I was angry at her, what she did was not right but it wasn't her fault either. She saw what Maruf showed her.

"Where are you going? Won't you have breakfast?" She looked at me with a worried face at me. Breakfast was not even the last thing that I would like to do now. I needed to run if not walk fast.

"No mom I have some important work to do. I have to go now."

"Okay." She said nodding. I knew she was confused. She wanted to ask questions but didn't know how to put it together. It was better that way because I wouldn't have been able to answer her questions as well until I had some solid proof against their stupid drama.

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