Ch:36-The leave

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The song that Maruf sings for Sadia *Again*


Sadia's POV)

It was a new day. But I couldn't say a new start for me. Because I felt my life was coming to an end. I felt hopeless and lifeless, with every passing second.

I got dressed as usual went downstairs, where another shock waited for me. The entire entrance of the house was filled with bouquets of flowers. They were all red roses. I didn't have to see anything to know who sent those. But I still needed to confirm so I took one of the card and which had written 'to the love of my life.-Maruf'. There was a card like this in every bouquet. Before it ticked in my consciousness that I should get all these flower out of this house before someone sees it. Mom already came and took one of those cards.

"Who is Maruf?" She asked. My throat went dry and I found myself at loss of words. What was I supposed to tell her? "Sadia?"

Grandfather and grand mother also came and took the card from mom.

"Who is Maruf?" Grand dad also asked. Am I supposed say I don't know. They all looked at me. I felt my knees weren't supporting me anymore.

"Mom I don't know who he is." I said my voice barely audible. What would I have told if not that? My worst night mare seemed to come true. Everyone would know that I was the reason behind all the bad things that happened to Abrar and to the things that might happen to Zarin. Then they would all hate me. What if they get me out of the house? I shook my head furiously mentally.

"Sadia. Why do you look so scared? It's okay if you don't know who he is? We will find out." Mom said caressing my hair.

We all then went to the dinning table and had breakfast. If a person could die from anxiousness I didn't know why I wasn't dead by now.


After I went to my work place, I tried my best to look at the work that I had. But everything seemed so blur. A lot of my co-workers asked what happened. I told them I was feeling sick. I couldn't work like this. For the first time in my life I truly understood what fear was.

It wasn't late before I got a call from Maruf and my heart started rarely beating for life.

"I am waiting outside your office. Come outside."

"Why?" I could feel my hands and feet go cold and sweet forming on my forehead.

"Baby you are not the one to ask questions anymore, you are to just follow. Am I clear or am I clear?"

"I am.. Coming." I took my bag and and then my switched off phone too. I didn't want to disappoint him at any cost that's what ran in my head.

Outside I found Maruf waiting in his classic motorbike.

"Please take a seat. Let's relive our first date. What say?" He said giving me one of his charming smile that I no longer found charming but scary. Am I supposed to go with him? Was there anyway that I couldn't?
The driver of my car came before I could answer Maruf.

"Mam are you going some where?"

"You talk too much driver less bodyguard. If you show me your face once again, I will take those eyes out of your socket. Understood?" He said changing into a completely different person than he was a few seconds before. He was a thousand fold scarier now.


"You..." Maruf was getting off from his bike but I stopped him.

"No. Let's go." I said holding his shoulder. Thought I felt disgusted touching him I could not risk another person's life for me. Already, it was getting so much hard for me to stay alive with so much liability. He seemed to calm down slowly, looking at my hand.

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