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(Sadia's POV)

As the dusk approached and my working hour ended mom came by my office. We then directly went for shopping, which she was so excited about.

"What are we buying mom?" I asked showing enthusiasm though I wasn't feeling an inch of it.

"First we will buy some gold jewellery for us. The gold jeweller called me saying that they have got some new, exclusive designs in their showroom."

"Oh wow." Jewellery, I liked simple ones like bracelets, anklets and ring nose pins and ears pins. I wasn't a fan of heavy jewellery, so I decided that if I buy something, I will buy something simple.

"Abrar is also coming." As mom said that, all the peace that I felt just vanished. Wait. No.

"Why mom?" I asked her as politely as I could.

"He has to sign the check right, after we buy the jewellery, its going to be a lot of money." I gave her a smile, though red alert was buzzing in my head. I had butterflies in my stomach. How weird? Shouldn't I be loathing him, after what he did? And here I was feeling all nervous and giddy. Why can't I just simply hate him?

I looked outside the window the entire ride trying to calm my fast paced heart rate. Why did it feel like this? Because I was going to see him. My inner mind snapped back. I shook my head trying to get rid of all these questions and answers. I won't forgive him, that was final and I told myself to stick to it.

The car stopped at the entrance of the shopping mall, and we got out. There was a long queue of cars behind and after us. The first place we went was the jewellery store. Apon jewellers, that's what it read on the banner of the show room.

As we entered the store, my eyes directly went to the bracelets, that were enclosed in the glass. They were exactly the type of ones that I liked.

"Mom can I see those bracelets?" I asked her, pointing my fingers to the bracelets.

"Off course buy what ever you want, then come to me okay, you have to buy some of the sets too."

"Okay." I nodded and said at the same time.

They had really nice collections, for a while I was so doomed, in looking at them. One of the salesman then approached near me.

"What would you like to see mam?" He asked and I looked up at him. I had to say that he was a quite handsome salesman, but nothing compared to Abrar. He smiled at me and I immediately took my eyes down on the bracelets. I shook my head and then showed him to bring out one. It was a nice one, it had tiny stars and moons attached to it. And the moment I put it on my hand I liked it even more. I was attaching the hook, when I turned back suddenly, as I felt that Abrar came and I was right.

He held such a powerful aura with him when he walked. He entered the showroom and off course he looked devilishly handsome. His eyes met mine and we exchanged looks, then I turned back, trying to ignore him. He went to mom, and all this time my attention was on him though I wasn't looking at him.

"Mam can I attach the hook for you." Before I had the time to held my hand back, his hands were already on the bracelet.

"No thank you I can do it by myself." As I said he was already done attaching the hook.
I looked at it, and it really suited my hand perfectly.

"It looks like it's made for you."

"Hmm.. I will take this." I started opening the bracelet and looked back at Abrar and like always I found him looking in my direction. Though his face didn't look good, and I realised after a second that he was looking at the salesman behind me. He had a tint of anger on his face. Though he tried to recover it when he saw me stare at him.

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