Chapter 4 What Will Hapen About Kanou?

Start from the beginning

He gulped bracing himself for what was yet to come. And walked through the door.

The world on the other side of the door was just as scary as he remembered.

It was foggy. Dark and grim. Everything looked grey. Almost like it was eternally dusk. Like the sun would never shine there. And it probably never would. It looked like everything there was in despair even though that wasn't the case. It was cold like a winter without snow. Yukimura couldn't tell whether his goosebumps were from fear or the cold. He didn't like that world one bit.

There were other shinigami there, as usual. But they were all busy with work. And none of them seemed to take any notice of Yukimura's presence. He was a little scared of them even though he shouldn't be. After all, he was one as well. But they still frightened him.

He was on the courtyard for the judgement bureau. Yukimura walked inside the building and tried his best to hide his shaking.

"Which office was it...?" Yukimura wondered. "It's been a while since I've been here last."

He walked up the stairs and wondered through the hallways. It was such a huge building and was easy to get lost in. He made a few twists and turns, not sure which way the Head Shinigami's office was.

Before he knew it, Yukimura didn't recognize any of the doors in the hall he was in. None of the room numbers rang a bell. He was lost.

"I better retrace my steps," Yukimura thought to himself. He turned around to go back. But then he realized, he hadn't been paying much attention to where he was going in the first place! He had no clue how he got where he was!

Yukimura gulped in fear. He had heard rumors that people had died in this place from getting lost. They had starved from being gone so long, not knowing where a kitchen or any food was.

He didn't want that to happen to him! Yukimura had barely seen the joys of life, since he was only a teenager, he didn't want to die young. Nor did Yukimura want to die in such a ridiculous way like that.

"Oh no! What am I gonna do?!!!" He cried. "How can I find my way?!!" Tears began to flow down his cheeks. Yukimura stayed like that for a few minutes. Crying in a panic.

After a little while Yukimura thought to himself, "Get ahold of yourself! You got to focus on getting yourself out!" Yukimura took in a deep breath and rubbed the tears off of his face with the sleeve of his cloak. "I need to look for someone, they'll know where I am, and how to find Shinigami-sama's office."

So Yukimura began to walk around aimlessly, looking for someone, anyone really. It didn't matter where he ended up as long as he found someone to give him directions.

Yukimura's search was fruitful because when he was just about to give up searching, he saw someone. It was a shinigami. Surely they'd know their way to the Head Shinigami's office.

"Um.... Excuse me!" Yukimura said nervously. "Can you please tell me where I can find Shinigami-sama's office?"

The shinigami turned around to face Yukimura. "You're in luck," He said. But Yukimura didn't agree with that. If he was in luck, then was he lost? "It's not far. You just need to go down the hall, down the stairs and it should be the fourth door on your right."

"Thank you!" Yukimura said and ran off on his way.

The directions were correct! It only took a few minutes to find the office. His happiness and satisfactory disappeared when he stood outside the door.

Yukimura hesitated when he reached for the doorknob. He knew that he was in for a real scolding. After all, he had been reckless and allowed someone to find out about his job.

Yukimura summoned up all of his courage and opened the door. He walked into the office. There was a desk near the back wall towards the middle. A women sat behind it. And there was a man standing beside it. Her assistant perhaps.

She wore the normal uniform, but you could tell she was the one in charge. Her eyes looked cold and merciless, and seemed to look down upon everyone. Her hair was a dark red, almost the same color ad blood. And there was an almost evil..., no..., more like powerful, aura about her. Like if you got her mad, you were as good as dead.

There was a scythe behind her, leaning against the window. It was different than normal death scythes. The blade was off. Normally the blades are made of iron or some sort of metal, but the blade was made of a purer substance. It was made of a type of stone, to be more specific, blood stone (not real blood, don't worry). Which made it a crimson color. But it was lined with silver on the edge.

"What is it?" She asked in a gruff and grumpy voice. It sounded like she was in a bad mood and didn't want to be bothered.

Yukimura stuttered in a weak voice, "M-m-ma'am, th-the-there's been a problem."

The women narrowed her eyes, "What kind of problem?"

"I-I-I've been found out Ma'am. Someone s-s-saw me...." Yukimura answered shakily. It was impossible to not notice the fear he felt. You could see it in his eyes, and he was shaking. And those who have good noses would say he wreaked of fear.

"What!" The woman yelled not bothering to hide her searing rage. "How did this happen?!!!" She sounded so ticked off and irritated, that Yukimura could tell that no matter what his answer was , he'd be punished.

"I-it happened about t-two days ag-go. A teenage boy my age saw me d-d-during my job." Yukimura answered truthfully.

"Idiot!" The women sneered, "What do you think the hood is even for?!!!!! You're SUPPOSED to wear it when doing your job!!!!! Did you think that it was just an accessory?!!!!!"

"I-I'm s-sorry Ma'am." Yukimura said.

"Don't interrupt me!!!!" The head shinigami yelled. "Your lucky I even let you live in the world of the humans! There was ONLY ONE condition!!!!! Just ONE!!! And you CAN'T even do THAT!!!!!!" She got up from her desk and struck Yukimura on the head.

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry Ma'am." Yukimura repeated.

"I have half a mind to never let you go back to that world except for work!!!!!!!" The Head shouted.

"P-p-please d-don't." Yukimura stammered with tears falling down his cheeks like rain, "I-I l-love my home there! So l-let me stay there!" It had taken most of his courage to say that, but he still trembled.

The head shinigami huffed, "I won't make you leave if-"

"Thank you!" Yukimura said.

"I SAID IF!!!" She bellowed, "The only way I can allow you to stay, would be if we erase the boy's memories of you."

"B-b-but doing that to Kanou-kun...." Yukimura said

"Kun? You mean this guy was your friend?" The Shinigami asked. "Well, that makes it easier. I can only do this once though, I'll make an exception. I can't let you lose a friend, after not many would hang out with someone as weak as you."

Yukimura's face brightened, "Really? Thank you so much Ma'am!"

"But!" The Shinigami continued, "Remember you still can't let anyone else know! He can't tell anyone! If he spills, you'll have a new home here."

Yukimura gulped, "Yes Ma'am, I'll remember."

"Very well, you are dismissed."

"Thanks!" Yukimura said. He bowed down and then left the room.

On his way out, the man who stood by the desk asked the head, "What made you decide to do that Akiko-san?"

"What?! Do you think I'm all evil or something Renji-san!"

Yukimura smiled as he closed the door behind him.

Yukimura Shouichirou Shinigami? (Kaichou wa Maid-sama Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now