"Why did you do that, Mavis?" I questioned her; annoyed that she did such a thing.

She smirked and stuck up her middle finger at me. I rolled my eyes again and then ran my fingers through my hair, and then I began nervously fiddling with my pen. I looked at my watch to check the time.

The bell rung and I stopped playing with my pen. I zipped open my pencil case and placed it inside, zipped it back up and them placed it in my bag. I got up, pushing my chair in, and quickly slinging my bag over my shoulder. My bag had little snowflakes patterned on it with a blue background. It was a gift from my grandmother and I treasured it most of the things I have, because I love my grandmother, even though she only visits on special occasions, but I don't blame her for that. My grandmother is old and ill and travelling makes her sick. Mavis got up and then grabbed hers, which is more of a Goth type of bag; black with a bright white skull smack bang right in the middle of it. She came over to me and slid her arm into mine easily. I glanced over to Hiccup and Flynn. Hiccup was busy tying his shoe laces and Flynn was busy chatting with a boy with brown hair chocolate brown eyes and tanned skin.

Mavs started a conversation and laughed at me as I scowled, but I didn't mind much. We have been best friends ever since nursery. Her bad girl behaviour was not what made us friends; it was how she was inside. We are pretty tight, since I have known her for about eleven years.

"That is not funny," I said, rubbing my leg which still stung, and I tapped her nose in a joking manner. "I have Osgood schlatter Mavis, kicking my leg makes the pain that is already in my leg worse."

"Liar," Mavis laughed, placing her hand in bag and producing two dairy milks. She smiled and handed me one. I thanked her and tore open the wrap hurriedly, because I absolutely love chocolate. "And what the hell is Osgood schlatter? It sounds like a fucked up name for a disease."

"I actually do have it," I told her. "Why don't you check it up on the internet? It is real. It is basically when-"

"Yeh, I bet it is," she said, cutting me off and waving her hand. I puckered my lips together but I didn't say anything. Typical Mavis. I looked and saw Flynn and Hiccup coming out the classroom, chatting to each other. Hiccup is shy, awkward and clumsy, Flynn is mischievous, confident and hilarious. They are complete opposites of each other but yet really close friends. All of us are. I am the mature one, Mavis is the rebel, Flynn is the funny one and Hiccup is the kind one. I guess our differences make our friendship stronger.

"Hey Mavis, hey Elsa," Flynn said, placing his arm around me and Mavis. We both laughed a little and Mavis ripped the wrapper off her chocolate bar and then bit into it. I was already half way through mine.

Flynn was busy making Mavis laugh, and I gave them a warm smile. Flynn seemed to make her happy. And if he makes Mavis happy, I am happy. I approve of their relationship, even though, I admit, I was quite startled at first when they began it. But I guess it was because we were all best friends, and I was afraid that Mavis and Flynn may be a bit distant because they were dating. But so far, they always act as they normally act.

"Hiya Flynn," she said cheerfully. He smiled back at her. He enjoys her behaviour just as much as I do and Hiccup does, as long as she isn't mad at him. Though she hardly ever is, so that's a good sign.

"Whatchya doing?" he asked, as she began gobbling her chocolate up. That's something me and Mavis have in common. We both love chocolate, no matter what it is. Galaxy is my favourite and Bounty is hers, though.

"Eating chocolate," Mavis said. Me and Hiccup groaned. Every time Mavis brings chocolate to school, she and Flynn do the same joke all the time. It is really tiring but I guess we'll just have to get used to it.

the teenage life [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now